Case filed for trafficking Chakma girl to China

, National

District Correspondent,, Rangamati | 2024-05-02 09:31:22

The victim's sister approached the police stating that Pahari Chakma picked up the girl and detained her in the capital and tried to smuggle her to China. On Wednesday (May 1) afternoon, a case was filed under the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act at Naniarchar police station in Rangamati with a request to rescue the girl.

In this case, four women traffickers and four male traffickers have been named as a total of eight people and 4/5 others have been named as accused. Nanyarchar police confirmed the case to the reporter. The police said that they are unable to give the details of the accused for the sake of investigation.

In the statement of the case, the victim's sister mentioned that her younger sister, 21-year-old Beauty Chakma (pseudonym), was taken to Dhaka on April 1 in the name of admitting her to nursing. First, she was taken out of her home in Garjantali village of Burighat union under Naniarchar police station of Rangamati and taken to Jurachari Benuban area of Ghilachari union of Naniarchar. Later, she was taken from there to Dhaka in a microbus.

In the statement of the case, the plaintiff mentioned that beauty Chakma, who is studying nursing, realized that she was in the clutches of women traffickers from the conversation of the accused while going to the microbus.

Proposing the case, the girl's elder sister said that a group of women traffickers led by one Rika Chakma forced Beauty into marriage with a Chinese national and also took offensive pictures with her. She can be smuggled to China at any time from her detention in an undisclosed location in the capital.

On April 7, Beauty told her elder sister this information on the phone and told her to rescue her. The elder sister of the victim filed a case of human trafficking after informing the Naniarchar Police Station in written form.

Azamuddin Mahmud, officer-in-charge of Naniarchar police station confirmed the fact of filing the case and told the reporter that based on the written complaint of the victim's sister, a case has been registered under section 6/7/8 of Human Trafficking and Prevention Act 2018. Case No-1 Date: 01/05/2024 Eng. Necessary action will be taken after investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, Rangamati Additional Superintendent of Police Maruf Ahmed said that the local administration was shaken by the news of the trafficking of mountain women from Chattogram Hill Tracts to China. Rangamati police have already started to catch the members of the trafficking ring.

In response to the reporter's question, he said that the matter of trafficking of women from the mountains to China has come to the attention of Rangamati police in the media recently. The Additional Superintendent of Police also said that the matter is very sensitive and the police is diligently investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, according to the source of the case, it is known that the mastermind behind the trafficking of the mountain Chakma girl to China is a Chakma woman named Rika Chakma living in sector 14 of Dhaka Uttara. Her house is in Rangapani Harma village under Dighinala upazila of Khagrachari district. In this case, one man and one woman from Kamarpara of Sapchari Union under Rangamati Sadar Upazila, two women from Udal Bagan area of Khagrachari, and two men of unknown address have been mentioned in the case statement.

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