The fire brigade could not reach near the fire in the Sundarbans

, National

District Correspondent, Dhaka: | 2024-05-05 08:18:19

The fire in Amarbunia area of Chandpai range of East Sundarbans is still burning. Fire service or fire brigade went to the area to put out the fire but could not go near the fire. As it was evening and there was no water source nearby, the fire could not be extinguished. The work of extinguishing the fire will be started from Sunday (May 5) morning. Meanwhile, a three-member investigation committee has been formed in this incident.

East Sundarbans Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Kazi Nurul Karim confirmed this information at night.

Nurul Karim said, after receiving the report of severe heat and fire in remote areas, they rushed with the fire brigade. First, find a source of water to control the fire. But no water was found nearby. The fire has to be controlled by bringing water from Bhola river which is far away. In the meantime evening falls. So it was not possible to go near the fire. However, with the efforts of local residents and forest guards, the fire was prevented from spreading initially by supplying little water.

On Sunday (May 5) morning, the fire will be completely brought under control by establishing water connection from Bhola river in Amarbunia area, he added, adding that the fire could not spread far. The fire is burning little by little, it is not possible to spread even in the night.

When asked how the fire broke out, DFO Kazi Nurul Karim said that the exact cause has not yet been ascertained. But locals are giving different information. Taking all the information into account, a three-member investigation committee headed by Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF) Rana Dev of East Sundarbans Chandpai range has been constituted.

The other two members of the committee are Chandpai Range Jeudhar Station Officer Md. Obaidur Rahman and Dhansagar station officer Rabiul Islam. The committee will submit a report on the exact cause of the fire within the next seven working days.

Chairman of Nishanbaria Union of Morelganj Upazila of Bagerhat District Saiful Islam said, on Saturday (May 4) afternoon, the first fire broke out in Chila area of Amarbunia in Sundarbans. Later at 4:30 pm when the fire spread, it was reported in the area. After that, we tried to put out the fire initially with the help of local residents and forest guards. Later two units of fire service came from Bagerhat and Morelganj. But as the evening wore on, the firemen could not start the work.

Deputy Assistant Director of Bagerhat Fire Service and Civil Defense Saidul Alam Chowdhury said that two units reached the spot after receiving information about the fire in the afternoon but could not start extinguishing the fire due to various obstacles. However, the scene of the fire has been identified.

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