Branches of fascism are becoming active again: Mahfuz Alam
Mahfuz Alam
Adviser Mahfuz Alam has commented that various branches of fascism are becoming active again.
He wrote these things in a Facebook post on Sunday (January 19) night. In the post, he asked to gather allies and identify enemies.
Mahfuz Alam wrote, but you and we need a continuous fight against cultural fascism and the old economic arrangement. The disguised game of social fascism versus secularist forces needs to be destroyed. Otherwise, these two forces will make this generation killable. Question the Fifth August Division. (Those who came on the 5th and participated in the movement, but did not capture the spirit of July!)
July was a meeting point. I warned you about the ideological fight. After five months, it is becoming true. Efforts are being made to bring back Shapla-Shahbag. The Mujibist paradigm and historical theory are becoming active again. On the contrary, instead of creation, reaction is becoming stronger. The historical possibility of forming this political community in a new way is being destroyed in an unequal competition with the old settlement!
Do you think these are the responsibility of the government alone? Or is it the responsibility of Mahfuz Alam alone?’
The interim government has faced more than 150 movements since taking office. It has saved the economy from going to the edge of the abyss. It is standing firm against the aggressive foreign policy. Starting from donating money and rehabilitating the July martyrs and injured, we are continuously working for justice and reform. Even now, any just demand of the people is being fulfilled, even if it takes time. The government is listening and acting.
But our generation has the record of all those who have stood up to destroy the possibility of rebuilding this state through ideological dogma and foreign prescriptions. Our generation will also remember how the cultural forces and the media are being dishonest with the martyrs and injured people from a purely ideological profit-loss perspective.
Mahfuz Alam wrote, ‘The day we come out on the streets again, we will come before the people with the deeds of our day and night activities recorded in our daily diaries. But where will you anti-July forces go? Where will the murderers who stabbed July in the back while pretending to be July’s allies escape?
We are also keeping your deeds. The way you have besieged Bangladesh’s potential by playing the game of ideology and foreign deception, the people will answer for it!