Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina condoled with the victims of the fire in the 'Benapole Express' train at Gopi Bagh in the capital. She ordered an investigation into whether the fire incident was arson or not.
The directive was given in a statement sent by the Prime Minister's Press Wing on Friday (January 5) night.
According to the statement, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed sympathy for the victims of the fire in four compartments of the 'Benapole Express' train at Gopi Bagh in the capital on Friday night. She has instructed the concerned authorities to investigate whether this incident was sabotage or not.
The Prime Minister also directed to take immediate measures for the treatment of the injured.
It is to be noted that a fire broke out in 5 compartments of the 'Benapol Express' train in Gopibagh area of the capital on Friday night. On receiving the information, 8 units of Khilgaon Fire Service rushed to the spot and brought the fire under control. In this incident, the bodies of four people including a child have been recovered.