Those who hide goods should be given mass beating away: PM

, National

Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka | 2024-02-23 14:51:14

In response to a question about price control, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, "Don't you think that those who are agitating for the ouster of government are also manipulating here?" Even before this, there was a shortage of onions. But later sacks of rotten onions were thrown into the water. What do you say to these people? They should be given mass beating. If the government does something, it will say that the government is doing it. If the public does something then no one can say anything.

She said this at a press conference held on Friday (February 23) morning at Ganabhaban to share her experience of participating in the security conference held in Munich, Germany.

The Prime Minister said that things will be hidden and rotted and the price of things will increase. Onion we are producing enough that we are producing it. In future we will not have to import from outside. But when it comes to imports, when the news is being imported, those who hide it quickly find it out. And because it has an effect on the market, it is a fact that the price adjusts in the market. Speaking openly, there is nothing to hide here.

In response to the question that famine may come in March, Sheikh Hasina said that there was a conspiracy, there is a conspiracy. Since I came to the country, I have not been able to come to power, nor have I spared even little Russell in the murder of seventy-five. Why? So that no one from this family can come to power. I survived because of my younger sister abroad. I came back and took responsibility. My dream is to fulfill the dream with which the Father of the Nation made the country independent. In that case, conspiracy is happening again and again. We established voting rights through the movement. I have brought back the democratic rights of the people which are benefiting the people. There was a big conspiracy to prevent the election from happening.

The Prime Minister said that the incidents of October 28, 2014 were not done suddenly, those were planned. Those who are in favor of disrupting the election, when they saw that the election cannot be disrupted in any way, people have spontaneity and then they conspired to increase the price of goods. When the government is separated from the people, the government will be overthrown by agitation. It is part of their plan. You know who it is. I don't want to name anyone. But there is this plot.

She said, but I can say one thing, don't you see it rained yesterday, there is a saying 'If the year is the end of Magh, the blessed king will give it' that it rained at the end of Magh, it rained at the beginning of Falgun too. Mango buds are getting fresh. Planting rice seedlings, irrigation will not be required if it rains. Even if there is a little flower problem, there will be no problem in production. Ever since Covid came but I have been saying we have to produce our own food. Not an inch of land should remain uncultivated. I'm not just saying it, I'm putting it into practice.

She also said, in my own village, we cleared the land of our family as well as the land of our neighbors and cultivated it. But we have started them. But I am encouraging. So we have taken initiative in this way. There is an attempt. Once in Bangladesh, if there was a shortage, they would say that there is no rice in their stomach, now they talk? Don’t say now say the price of eggs, the price of fish, the price of meat, or can't eat the belly of fish? Does it make a difference? You will admit that this change is coming in fifteen years. 15 years ago there was a lamentation for rice. 

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