Statement of 48 citizens against the insinuation of the Liberation War and the National Anthem

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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

After the overthrow of the dictator in the student uprising, a group indulged in multi-faceted acts of violence by mocking the sentiments of the masses including the Great War of Liberation and the National Anthem. 48 citizens of the country have protested against this arrogance and base activity.

In a statement sent to the media on Saturday (September 7), they said, "We observe with deep concern and indignation that a sectarian group, motivated by ulterior political motives, has the audacity to question the 1971 Great Liberation War and related public opinion, even the National Anthem." Campaign has started. Just a few days ago, the Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami advised the nation to forget everything from the past. It can be assumed that by the past, he means the history of the liberation war of 1971, the role of his party at that time, etc. The history of the liberation war that he wants to convey is clear from the speech given by former Brigadier General Abdullahil Aman Azmi in the auditorium of National Press Club on September 3 demanding the change of the Constitution and National Anthem. We strongly condemn and strongly protest his targeted, communal and arrogant statement. At the same time I would like to remind him that freedom of expression does not mean that one can say whatever one wants. Going beyond the purpose for which he had called the press conference on September 3, he had deliberately insulted the national anthem and the principles of the constitution and struck a chord with the emotions of the 18 crore people of Bangladesh.


It is necessary to remember that in 1971 lakhs of people of all levels, including youth, students, farmers, workers, army, police, regardless of religion, caste, women and men, sacrificed their lives in a nine-month armed war to make our beloved country Bangladesh free. For this reason, countless individuals and families from all walks of life, including men and women, students and teachers, intellectuals, writers, artists and journalists, have been subjected to indescribable brutality and cruelty by the barbaric invading Pakistani forces and their accomplice Jamaat. That history has been remembered by generations of people of this country and will be remembered in the future. No one should have the right to speak or dare to forget this history.

And by singing the National Anthem 'Amar Sonar Bangla', the freedom fighters took an oath to fight for their lives and fought. Many of them were martyred, many were physically crippled. The National Anthem was a constant source of motivation for the countless freedom fighters who fought. So the National Anthem was practically re-established as the music of our lives through the blood of lakhs of martyrs. Questioning it means questioning the liberation war. The people of this country will not accept it in any way regardless of the party or the students.


The former army officer went missing and was imprisoned for 8 years in the secret detention center 'Ayanaghar' controlled by the state military intelligence. We have always been, and still are, vocal in demanding justice for human rights violations by various state agencies, including the release of missing persons. We want all the former army officers who were detained in the 'Ayanaghar', who were subjected to oppression and torture, to get justice. We hope that the interim government will make their justice a priority. But any attempt to question the National Anthem or the achievement of the liberation war with him is purely objective. Therefore, we call upon those who are trying to raise questions about the Liberation War of 1971 or the National Anthem or who are spreading false information to refrain from such arrogant statements. Otherwise we will be forced to give a bigger program to build public resistance against it.

We would like to remind all quarters that the revolution of lakhs of students against the dictator in July, we call their victory on August 5 the second victory. But if any faction makes any attempt to set this victory against the victory day of 71 or the great liberation war, it must be identified as the enemy of the anti-liberation war and anti-discrimination movement and its glorious victory. So it is with good reason that we strongly urge everyone to be cautious about the activities of this group.

All of us are always alert, vigilant so that the victory of the anti-discrimination movement and democracy won by sacrificing the lives of hundreds of students, children, adolescents and people, cannot be used by any sect or other group for narrow party and group interests. They must be united.

The statement was signed by Dr. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, Sultana Kamal, Khushi Kabir, Anu Mohammad, Rasheda K. Chowdhury, Adv. ZI Khan Panna, Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, Parveen Hasan, Adv. Subrata Chowdhury, Professor Dr. Md. Haran-or-Rashid, Adv. Tabarak Hossain, Dr. Shahidul Alam, Shamsul Huda, Rehnuma Ahmed, Dr. Shahnaz Huda, Robayet Ferdous, Dr. Khairul Islam Chowdhury, Ishani Chakraborty, Jobaida Nasreen, Professor Maha Mirza, Samina Lutfa, Dr. Sadaf Noor, Dr. Noor Mohammad Talukder, Mazharul Islam Babla, ASM Kamaluddin, Mofidur Rahman Laltu, Adv. Minhajul Haque Chowdhury, Saleh Ahmed, Monindra Kumar Nath, Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Farha Tanjim Titil, Tasneem Siraj Mahbub, Zakir Hossain, Adv. Saidur Rahman, Barrister Ashraf Ali, Barrister Shahdat Alam, Adv. Nazmul Huda, Adv. MM Khalekuzzaman, Adv. Md. Azizullah Imon, Adv. Prince Al Masood, Adv. Umm Kulsoom, Adv. Shayla Sharmeen, Tapsee Rabeya, Adv. Ajmir Hossain, Dipayan Khisa, Bappi Mashekur Rahman, Hana Shams Ahmed and Muktashree Chakma.