Home Affairs Adviser directed to punish the drug lords

, National

Special Correspondent, Barta24.com, Dhaka | 2024-09-17 13:51:16

Adviser to Home Affairs Lt. Gen. (Retd) Md. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury has directed the Narcotics Control Department to catch the godfathers of drugs and bring them under the law.
On Tuesday (September 17) in the morning, the Adviser gave these instructions to the senior officials of the Narcotics Control Department at Segunbagicha in the capital.
The Adviser said, not only the carriers, but the big godfathers involved in drugs should be caught. This activity should be strengthened in ongoing joint operations and daily progress reports should be provided. He commented that the performance of the department will be evaluated depending on the success in this regard.
He said, if corruption is not reduced, the success of this government will not come. He called upon the officers and employees of the Narcotics Control Department to stay away from bribery and corruption.
The Adviser said that drugs bring dire consequences for families, societies and states by destroying future generations. Therefore, the officers and employees of the department should work sincerely by changing the mentality of drug eradication. Drugs should be controlled anyway.
He further said that the officers of the Narcotics Control Department have uniforms but no arms or tools. Therefore, they need to be given weapons in order to conduct a successful operation. Necessary action will be taken in this regard. Moreover, he gave suggestions for conducting operations with the police where there is a risk of attack during operations.
Md. Moshiur Rahman NDC, Senior Secretary of Security Services Department of Ministry of Home Affairs, Director General of Narcotics Control Department (Grade-1) Khondakar Mostafizur Rahman NDC and others were present in the exchange meeting. 

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