What does the United States really want? How duplicitous the West is!

, Point-Counterpoint

Ashraful Islam, Planning Editor, Barta24.com, Dhaka | 2023-11-09 12:24:47

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already clarified the position of Bangladesh in response to the actions of the United States, that is, Dhaka will not agree to Washington's coercion - what kind of crisis can Bangladesh face as a result?

In response, security expert Abdur Rasheed said, I think the United States also has the limitation of putting pressure on Bangladesh. Not even the many avenues open for the US to take over Bangladesh. In that situation we can see that US presence here is competing among regional powers, India will not have it on the list of preferences either. Naturally, if there is no US presence here, China will show interest, Russia will show interest, India will also show interest. In what has become a contentious issue with US interest, we have seen in the world that when one superpower pushes, the other superpower stands by. As such, Bangladesh also has friends. US aggression alone will not succeed.

This military analyst said, "In 1971, we saw that the scenario was almost the same. China was with the Americans then. There is no China now. The 1971 war was fought against US will. We have also seen military exercises. If you think about it from that perspective, this kind of pressure with Bangladesh is unacceptable now. The issue in their hands is whether Bangladesh can be given a twist economically. Gradually so they are using. In terms of this usage, Bangladesh should expand its international relations or economic relations more…a multi-faceted relationship so that when one side pushes, the other side stands by.

International relations expert Professor Delwar Hossain said in this context, the Indo-Pacific region has come forward in the world ge-opolitics as a result of the new role of China and the Western world. Within the Indo-Pacific region, we can say that the Bay of Bengal region and Southeast Asia, South Asia are attracting special attention and in this context we see that if these regional powers and the powers that are at the global level where their interests are..their national Interests, strategic interests, geo-political interests, economic interests are directly connected with the events in the region and India has a special role there. As India is the emerging superpower in the region, we see a degree of rivalry between China and India.. As a result, the relationship between the great powers is changing and dealing with this change according to their own capabilities and sometimes the rivalry between them again. Sometimes I see cooperation. For example, the once influential Secretary of State of the United States, Henry Kissinger, visited China and saw a kind of engagement with China along with hostility. As a result, the great powers are engaging in their own way and emphasizing the antagonism.

He said, 'This fluctuation between them has created a huge pressure on countries like Bangladesh, the middle powers of the region. As a result, it can be said that their polarization is creating pressure on the foreign policy of the countries of this region. Diplomatic relations are being used as chess pieces by the great powers. The relationship that exists there is also being questioned. As Bangladesh has been following a balanced non-aligned foreign policy especially the current government. In the light of that policy, India has a special relationship with Bangladesh, one of India's friendly countries, and in the last 15 years, a relationship has been deepened with China. Bangladesh has a long relationship with the Western world. These relationships are under strain.

Dr. Hossain pointed out, "This is not an issue created by Bangladesh." Bangladesh is working to maintain peaceful friendship which is the main focus of its foreign policy, 'friendship with all and enmity with none'. Bangladesh is a type of emerging economy; Bangladesh needs foreign aid and investment. Foreign trade is needed. Bangladesh thinks the whole world, for economy, for security, for image, will maintain relations with all.

But Bangladesh has no ge-opolitical ambitions. It is not that Bangladesh will challenge other countries with any country and cause damage. Not only Bangladesh, many countries are under this pressure. As the importance of this region is highest and the economy of Bangladesh has improved greatly in the last 10-15 years, Bangladesh's capabilities have also increased in the military field. As a result, there will be efforts to favor the role of Bangladesh. In world politics that has happened in the past but there needs to be a limit. Current tensions between geopolitical powers and the way they interact are crossing those lines. Due to which Bangladesh and other countries are under undue pressure.

Regarding Sheikh Hasina not giving in to this pressure, Professor Delwar said, "Bangladesh does not give in to pressure and Bangladesh has been dealing with this pressure diplomatically and will continue to do so in the future." In this regard, Bangladesh is quite successful and Bangladesh has been participating with its identity and its ideals and foreign policy.. I think Bangladesh is very much an exception among developing countries those who are actually able to maintain their position in such a changing geopolitical reality.

This article criticizes the duplicity of the great powers, the international relations expert said, 'The great powers are managing their relations among themselves, they are controlling it in the midst of hostility, they are doing trade worth hundreds of billions. Countries like Bangladesh, when they trade with their rival countries, undertake economic projects, it is again seen as unfair. It is a dichotomy or duplicitous.' (concluded). 

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