Is the government facing a counter-revolution?

  • Matiur Rahman Chowdhury
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Chief advisor D. Muhammad Yunus

Chief advisor D. Muhammad Yunus

The shadow companion of the revolution is the counter-revolution. Wherever there is revolution, there is a sign of counter-revolution. Somewhere it is successful. Fail somewhere. Discussions about the revolution of Bangladesh are now intense at home and abroad. A multifaceted campaign. There are many tables. A section within the government is also dreaming of a counter-revolution. Although many plans or schemes have failed before. But the losers don't sit still. They want to smile in victory. So saying, see how many days go! There is a lot of tension on social media right now. It is said that counter-revolution is only a matter of time. This is normal in the age of freedom. This also happened in the Philippines after the revolution. So the government is worried? I put the question to the head of the government. To Muhammad Yunus. He said, this is not new news. We all know and see. Attempts are being made to weaken the government in various ways. Are you worried then? He answered directly. He said, I kept my eyes and ears open. I am taking action. After the revolution, counter-revolution is inevitable! History says so. We are doing our job. There are some mistakes. By removing it we want to go to the destination. Where is the destination? Why this question? We have said reforms and elections, we want both. We don't want to be out of time. All my work has stopped. You know I dream. Dream, now I can't even dream anymore. Where I was a free man.

Aren't you free here? I don't know if it's free, but it's on file. I have to sign the enter file every day. I can spend less time on other work - it is true. real truth


Are all files readable? Not all files are read. But you have to sign. Files are going up in the world, everything is digital. We are still 'bound by red tape'. When will this situation end?

Sir, when I get a chance I would like to know how your council is doing? Counter question - what do you think? I don't think it's important here, but people are saying different things. He said with a natural smile, there are both good and bad. Some are weak, some are strong. I am watching their work, people are watching too. After reaching a place, I have to give the number. It is currently being worked on. People are looking at us. It is not known under what circumstances we took responsibility. There is unrest all around. People want relief. If the prices of daily commodities continue to rise, the situation may take a different turn. People want to see change. And this is where the sixty minute discussion ended.

Author: Matiur Rahman Chowdhury, Editor-in-Chief, ManabJamin

Courtesy: ManabJamin