Countries ready to help Iran

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Saudi Arabia expressed solidarity with Iran after the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi crashed on Sunday (May 19), saying it was ready to provide any assistance Iran needed.

Arab News reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia said that Riyadh is monitoring the incident with concern.


Meanwhile, the Iraqi government said in a statement that it had ordered its interior ministry, the Red Crescent and other related organizations to assist neighboring Iran in the search mission.

Iranian search and rescue teams are carrying out a rescue operation in the fog-shrouded mountains after the helicopter carrying President and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian went missing in a crash on Sunday, state media IRNA reported.

IRNA also reported that fears for Raisi grew after contact was lost with the helicopter carrying him in East Azerbaijan province.

On the other hand, Qatar has also said that it is ready to provide all kinds of support for Iran's search efforts.

The UAE's foreign ministry said in a statement that it stands by Iran and is ready to assist in efforts to find the helicopter carrying Raisi.

Turkey's foreign ministry said steps have been taken to provide all kinds of assistance in search and rescue operations.

The European Union said it had activated its rapid response mapping service to help Iran search for the helicopter.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on the Telegram messaging app, "Russia is ready to provide all necessary assistance in finding the missing helicopter and investigating the cause of the incident."