Security Council passes Gaza ceasefire resolution

International Desk,
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Finally, the Palestinian-Israeli war came to light. On May 31, US President Joe Biden proposed a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza. That resolution was passed by the UN Security Council on Monday.

This information was given in a report of the British media BBC.

According to the report, on May 31, President Biden proposed a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza. The Security Council voted on the resolution on Monday.

Out of 15 members, 14 voted in favor of the proposal. Only Russia abstained from voting.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield called on Israel and Hamas to immediately accept the ceasefire proposal. She also termed this ceasefire proposal as a new opportunity.

This proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza was passed at a time when more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel's indiscriminate attacks. Half of the houses and structures in the besieged valley have been destroyed, the United Nations said.

Palestinian independence organization Hamas has welcomed the ceasefire resolution passed by the Security Council.

In a statement, the organization expressed its willingness to work with mediators on how to implement the terms of the ceasefire. However, Israel did not immediately comment on the ceasefire resolution passed by the Security Council. Although it has been said by the United States, President Biden announced the offer made by Israel.

Earlier, on March 25, the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. 14 members voted in favor of the proposal. The United States abstained from voting. However, Israel did not accept the proposal.


Despite ban, Turkish goods are going to Israel

International Des,
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Turkey imposed a ban on all trade with Israel. The announcement was made by the country's Ministry of Commerce last May citing the "further deterioration of the humanitarian situation" in the besieged Gaza Strip. However, despite the ban, Turkish goods are going to Israel through third countries this month.

This information was published in a report of Middle East Eye on Thursday (June 20).

According to the report, Turkish goods have been reaching Israel through Greece and other nearby countries since the beginning of May, despite the trade embargo.

According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel imported 116 million US dollars worth of goods from Turkey last May which is 69 percent less than May last year. But Turkey's export agency claims only 4 million US dollars worth of goods went to Israel in May which is 99 percent less than last May.

However, a permanent ceasefire has not yet been established in Gaza. In the meantime, Turkey is sending goods to Israel even after announcing the imposition of a complete trade embargo on Israel.

However, a trade official claimed that most of the goods that Israel ordered before Turkey imposed the trade embargo are now going to Israel via Greece.


Kejriwal is accused of demanding a bribe of Rs. 100 crore

International Desk,
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India's central agency, the Enforcement Directorate (ED), has claimed that Delhi Chief Minister Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal demanded a bribe of Rs 100 crore.

According to a report by the Indian media India Today, the ED made this claim during the hearing in the excise case. At that time ED said that they have evidence in this regard.

During the hearing at Delhi's Rouse Avenue court on Wednesday (June 19), the ED told the court that Kejriwal sought the money for his party's funds. Earlier, Kejriwal was included in the hearing through a video conference.

The ED lawyer told the court that the CBI investigation revealed that Kejriwal demanded a bribe of Rs 100 crore. Kejriwal has not yet proved that he did not commit the crime.

According to Indian media NDTV, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested Arvind Kejriwal on March 21 for his involvement in the excise (liquor) corruption case. On May 10, he was granted bail for 21 days on the orders of the Supreme Court. The court granted three weeks' interim bail for the Lok Sabha elections. Kejriwal was sent back to jail after the interim bail expired. He is in Delhi's Tihar Jail.


Modi's alliance people are in touch: Rahul

International Desk,
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Leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led NDA alliance have been in touch with the opposition Congress, party leader Rahul Gandhi has claimed.

He claimed this in an interview given to Britain's influential daily The Financial Times on Tuesday (June 18).

Even a small disturbance can destabilize the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the Congress leader said. The coalition formed the government depending on the regional parties.

Claiming that there is "massive discontent" in the Narendra Modi-led government camp, Rahul Gandhi said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have to "fight" to keep the government alive. In the interview, Rahul Gandhi said that many people in the NDA camp are in touch with the Congress. As a result, the fall of Modi government can happen only if there is a little bit here and there.

Rahul Gandhi said that the result of the last Lok Sabha elections has changed the political dynamics of the country. In the Indian political system, opportunities have emerged for all. There have been significant pot changes. The numbers on which the government is standing are very fragile. As a result, the government will fall if only a little here and there.

On June 4, the final results of India's 543 Lok Sabha elections were announced. In this, Narendra Modi's political party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) did not get a single majority. A majority of 272 seats is required to form the government in the country, but the BJP won 240 seats on its own.

Later BJP had to depend on 53 seats of NDA alliance partners to form the government. The BJP-led NDA alliance won 293 seats. In the election, the Congress-led coalition India won 233 seats. Out of this, Congress alone got 99 seats.


18 lakh 33 thousand 146 people performed Hajj

Islam Desk,, Dhaka
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In the current Hajj program, 18 lakh 33 thousand 164 pilgrims of the world have performed the holy Hajj, said the Minister of Hajj and Umrah affairs of Saudi Arabia. Tawfiq al-Rabia. The country's state news agency SPA reported this information.

In a press briefing on Saturday (15 Jan), he also announced that the stages of Hajj from Makkah to Mina and Arafat were successful without any hitches.

Meanwhile, according to the information of the General Authority for Statistics in Saudi Arabia, it has been reported that pilgrims have come from more than 200 countries around the world this time.

Among them, 63.3 percent of pilgrims came from Asian countries, 23.3 percent from Arab countries, 11.3 percent from Africa and 3.2 percent from America and Australia.

The number of domestic pilgrims in Saudi Arabia is 221 thousand 854 and the number of pilgrims from outside the country is 16 lakh 11 thousand 310. 9 lakh 58 thousand 137 were male pilgrims and 8 lakh 75 thousand 25 were female pilgrims.

15 lakh 46 thousand 345 pilgrims reached Saudi Arabia by air, 60 thousand 251 by land and 4 thousand 714 by sea.

It should be noted that the Hajj formalities started from Friday (June 14). After staying in Mina on Saturday, they will stay at Arafat Maidan and spend the night in the open desert of Muzdalifah. On the third day of Hajj on Sunday (June 16), pilgrims will throw pebbles, sacrifice animals, and shave their heads at the Big Jamarat.
