Hathazari Madrasa will be run by joint authority

  • Mufti Anyetullah, section chief Barta24.com, From Hathazari(Chattogram)
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

After the death of Allama Shafi, all eyes were on the post of Director General(DG) of Hathazari Madrasa (Muhtamim). In addition to being the DG of the Madrasa, Allama Shafi, was the Amir of Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh besides being the chairman of Qawmi Madrasa Education Board Befaq and Al Hayatul Uliya Lil Jamiatil Qawmiya Bangladesh, the highest regulatory body of Qawmi Madrasa.

After the Maghrib prayers on Saturday (September 19), Hathazari Madrasa Shura members and senior teachers sat in an emergency meeting. It was decided at the meeting that the Hathazari Madrasa would be run by a three-member committee, not a single muhtamim. The Hathazari Madrasa will be run through the Majlis Edari (Steering Committee) and not in the Ehtemami system.


According to the decision of the meeting, Edari (Steering Committee) was announced in a meeting of three members of Hathazari Madrasa. The head of the committee is Allama Mufti Abdus Salam Chatgami. The other two members are Allama Sheikh Ahmed and Allama Yahya. These three will run the Madrasa in consultation on the basis of equality, not by anyone's sole decision.

The post of education secretary of the Madrasa was also changed in the meeting of the Shura. In place of Maulana Nur Ahmed, Allama Junaid Babungari was given the responsibility of education secretary and Chief Shaykhul Hadith. Hafez Maulana Shoaib was appointed as the assistant secretary of education.

Allama Junaid Babungari and Allama Sheikh Ahmed were included as members of the Shura Committee of the Madrasa from Hathazari Madrasa as well as Maulana Shafi of Bathua Madrasa, Maulana Abdullah of Charia Madrasa, Maulana Sadat Hossain Markazud Fawaz of Mawlana of Rangunia Madrasa.

Maulana Noman Faizi, a senior member of the Shura and director of Mekhal Madrasa, presided over the meeting.

Maulana Muhibullah Babungari, Maulana Mufti Nur Ahmad, Maulana Nurul Islam Jihadi, Maulana Shoaib Nomani, Maulana Salauddin Nanupur, Maulana Umar Farooq were present at the meeting.

Despite the decision to run the Madrasa on the death of Allama Shafi, there was no discussion on the appointment of Amir of Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh, Qaumi Madrasa Education Board Befaq and chairman of Qaumi Madrasa's highest regulatory body Al Hayatul Uliya Lil Jamiatil Qaumiya Bangladesh. It is assumed that these vacancies will be filled as soon as possible.