Complainant to foreigners, is a traitor Reza Kibria is inexperienced in politics

Mohammad Arafat Hossain
Mohammad Arafat Hossain, chairman of the Suchinta Foundation and a political analyst. He recently spoke to the media about the current state of democracy in the country, the US sanction on RAB, the anti-liberation movement and its own views on the country.
Mohammad Arafat Hossain said another country will make a dossier on how Bangladesh will be run! There can be no greater example of imperialist collusion. No other country will make its own dossier.
He also remarked that there is no power in Bangladesh now to confront the Awami League and Sheikh Hasina.
He said the change, expansion and improvement of the infrastructure of democracy and electoral process in Bangladesh has been done by Sheikh Hasina. Moreover, there is no leader in Bangladesh at the moment who can stand in front of Sheikh Hasina's leadership. The Awami League does not want to give an excuse to imperialism. Never give an excuse to the brokers because Awami League is the party of the people. This party has a rich history of 70 years. This is not a team born of dossier.
About former Finance Minister Shah ASM Kibria's son, he said that Reza Kibria does not know the 'A B C D' of politics.
Explaining the geopolitical nature of the US sanctions, the political analyst said that the US had recently imposed sanctions on some of the country's elite force RAB officers. Debates are going on in the politics of the country about this; Complaint, counter-complaint. There is no opportunity to look at the issues of sanctions so easily. The human rights issue is being used as a cover here. The real issue is ge-opolitics. When a foreign embargo comes, it goes to the conspirators and traitors, not to the people.
Mohammed Arafat called those who complained to foreigners about the country's internal problems as traitors.
He said there could be various problems inside an independent state. There are crises on human rights, good governance, democracy and elections. Bangladesh itself will solve all its problems. When we ask foreigners to poke their noses at the internal problems of an independent state, when we do it, when we say, stop the Padma Bridge, stop importing from us, stop hiring workers - this is not a good thing at all. Such acts fall into the category of treason.
Regarding RAB officials’ sanctions, Reza Kibria is very active and patient. Criticizing this, political researcher Mohammad Arafat said that today Bangladesh is an independent state. Who can appeal to foreigners against an independent state? Only the opponents of Bangladesh can do it. What are the freedom fighters of Bangladesh in the eyes of Pakistan? Traitor! Those who will stand against independent Bangladesh, what are they? Did they declare independence? Is Bangladesh carrying out genocide? Dr. Reza Kibria is inexperienced in politics. He still does not know the 'A B C D' of politics. He finds reason to seek cooperation from foreigners because he does not know which childish comparison is at once.
Criticizing the US, he said the US has problems with China and Russia. It is a matter of their geopolitical interests. We will not determine foreign policy in the interests of America. Our foreign policy will be in the interest of the country and its people. It is good for the people of Bangladesh to have a relationship with everyone. Sheikh Hasina is pursuing that foreign policy. I am not saying that Bangladesh has become a paradise on the issue of human rights. The question of good governance has become a paradise. There is no question about the election. We have reached the pinnacle of democracy. We have to solve all these problems ourselves.
In this context, he added, America's two and a half centuries of democracy and independence. Why couldn't it fix everything even after getting the opportunity for two hundred and fifty years? Why is the question of their democracy even after two hundred and a fifty years?
He said that some time should be given to ensure a stable environment in the country, adding that Sheikh Hasina was trying to establish democracy by taking the responsibility of running the state. Bangabandhu's daughter is working for people's right to vote and rice. The most human rights violations have been committed against the Awami League. On August 15, Bangabandhu was killed along with his family. The Awami League has introduced a culture of justice in the country by judging the war criminals of 1971. The government has introduced a culture of justice and rule of law. Human rights are not violated by Awami League, human rights are well established in the country.
Arafat said the Awami League also wants fair elections. Fair elections are also given. But as soon as the Awami League won the fair election, the opposition parties started saying that the election was not fair! The crisis is here. There is a strange mentality of a class of people in the country; everyone wants to win the election by force!
If the election is fair, no one will be able to stop the victory of Awami League. No one will be able to stand in front of Awami League. He also said that the people, those who are talking big now will be confiscated.
"Let someone do a survey now - if 70 percent of the people do not want to vote for Sheikh Hasina, then I will stop talking."
He said the 1/11 government had come to hold an election. This was their job, they had no legitimacy to fix the structure of the country. Those who think like this do not have the slightest respect for democracy. Did the government of 1/11 come to power by popular vote?
Mohammad Arafat said the UN had responded to critics of Bangladesh's peacekeeping mission, saying that while human rights groups did not, the United Nations had responded strongly by making Bangladesh the chairman of the PeaceBuilding Commission. So my question is - who is standing against those institutions in Bangladesh.
Mohammad Arafat thinks that Bangladesh is moving forward with an independent and sovereign foreign policy. It is not to the liking of the imperialists. To arm-twist, some other countries of the world can offer something like sanctions on Bangladesh. No problem. But trying to do this arm-tripping, Padma could not win. Not yet. The people of Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will win by breaking the web of conspiracy.
On freedom of speech, he said, "I fully agree with the demand for free living, free expression and fair elections." We also want - there will be no bragging of militancy, fundamentalism and extremism in Bangladesh. There will be friendly relations between all irrespective of religion, caste. There will be a welfare state where human rights and freedom of speech will be protected. Who can carry out political activities like that? This is the spirit of the liberation war.
The Awami League does not consider Reza Kibria or the Gano Adhikar Parishad as a challenge. Mohammad A Arafat Hossain also said that it is useless and wasteful to talk about this.