Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader said that students alone could save the country, but students alone cannot run the country. A country can be saved with passion and life but a country cannot be run. Knowledge, skills and experience will be required to run the country.
He made this comment at a discussion meeting with the Central Committee of Jatiya Chhatra Samaj at the Banani office of JP on Monday (September 9).
He further said that there is chaos in the country at present, if this continues; people will get fed up with this government.
GM Quader said, we don't want elections now; we want to see a good government after a good election. That is why we are willing to give time to the current government. We have seen many good elections in the past. Good elections do not lead to good government. Governments elected in good elections often become dictators. But, unelected governments were much more democratic. Unelected governments value public opinion more. Therefore, we do not mind giving time to the unelected government to reform. For such a government, necessary reforms must be made.
He said, we want the present government to maintain law and order situation, to keep the price of goods under control, to keep employment...then we don't mind waiting. There are many calculations in politics. Awami League is not in the field, but they have a support group. They will have a role in the next election.
He said, "Unfortunately, the common people do not like the situation that their leaders and workers have created without BNP coming to power." BNP's confrontation with anti-discrimination students in Rangpur. When someone starts squatting, the students protest it. In the end, it is not yet certain who will be on the side of the people.
He said, if there is no politics for the people, there is no party, we have to give concessions to the party for our politics. Again, politics had to be discounted for the party. Awami League wanted to destroy our party and also prevented us from doing politics. If there is no party, there is no politics, and if there is no politics, there is no party. Awami League and BNP have conspired against our party that conspiracy is still going on. Jatiya Party was always with the people. Therefore, even after 34 years, Jatiya Party has survived in the field of politics. No one cares except the JP.
He said, Awami League created discrimination in the country; they fell because of their exploitation and torture. Awami League did not fall in the face of any political party movement. The government fell in the face of anti-discrimination student movement. We have always spoken against discrimination and corruption and misrule. Common people thought that students don't want to join politics. No one realized that students are so politically aware. It has proved that students understand politics more than us.
The party organization urged the national student society to organize and said that student politics should be done in an orderly manner.
He said, in 1990, our leader, the founder of Jatiya Party and the late President Pallibandhu Hussain Muhammad Ershad handed over power according to the outline of three alliances. It was said that we will make a beautiful election together. Later it was seen that Hussain Muhammad Ershad and Jatiya Party will not be allowed to elect the conspiracy started. In the face of the people's movement, especially the people's movement of Rangpur, Ershad Sahib was allowed to be elected.
Awami League blackmailed Hussain Muhammad Ershad with the General Manjur murder case given during BNP's tenure. On February 15, 1996, when BNP wanted to do away with the Caretaker system, we together with Jamaat and Awami League boycotted the election.
He also said that when BNP was in power from 2001 to 2006, they became champion of corruption four times; they established RAB and committed extrajudicial killings. Extrajudicial killings are not acceptable. After 2006, BNP formed a caretaker government with its own people through fictionalization. Then came One-Eleven when there was movement again. Both Awami League and BNP wanted to win by manipulating the election system. Both groups carried out extrajudicial killings.