The minimum wage for garment workers is Tk. 12,500

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Photo:  Collected

Photo: Collected

The monthly minimum wages for workers and employees of the readymade garment industry has been finalized. After the seventh and final meeting of the wage board on Sunday, the monthly minimum wage of Tk. 12,500 was declared final for the workers.

Wage Board Chairman Liaquat Ali Molla confirmed this information on Sunday (November 26) afternoon.


In the seventh and concluding meeting of the Board on this day, the workers and employees of the ready-made garment industry were downgraded from Grade-5 to Grade-4. That is why from now on workers will get salary and bonus in these four grades.

In this regard, the representative of the labor side, Sirajul Islam Roni, said, "I hope that the workers will benefit because of the reduction in the number of grades."


194 letters from various parties have been submitted to the Minimum Wage Board for re-evaluation of wages announced earlier. 168 of these letters came from various labor organizations. These organizations recommend a minimum wage of 23,000 to 25,000 taka.

On the other hand, in the letter given by the owners of 23 factories, it is recommended to reduce the minimum wage by Tk. 10000/-. Some organizations recommended going back to the original offer of Tk. 10,400 given by the owner. However, considering everything, the final wage of Tk. 12,500 was announced at the last meeting of the lowest wage board formed by the government to determine the wages of this sector.