Education system to be brought into a framework: Education Minister

Staff Correspondent,
photo: Collected

photo: Collected

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Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Naufel is emphasizing on teaching government education up to an age limit in Qawmi madrasas. He was also said to work with Befaqul Madarisil Arabia (Befaq), the regulatory body of Qaumi Madrasahs, on the issue.

The minister said that unregistered madrasas are being built all over the country, leading to a decrease in attendance in government primary schools. Calling it a big challenge for all, he said, "It has to be resolved."

The minister said these things in response to questions from journalists after the working session of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Primary Education at the Osmani Auditorium on Sunday evening.

Naufel also said that the government is also thinking about the educational program of Qawmi Madrasa. He said, 'Up to an age limit there is to follow the National Curriculum. Otherwise the students will not be able to acquire the desired qualifications and skills. For this, I will work with Befaq.

The minister also mentioned about sitting with the leaders and boards of Qaumi Madrasa last year. He said, there was a discussion about whether the age at which education is supposed to be attained in the madrasa is being ensured or not.

For this reason, NCTB has sent the books prepared in their curriculum (madrasa) to Qaumi. They have been verified.

Highlighting the topic of giving equivalent to master's degree to the highest certificate of Qaumi Madrasa, Dawrae Hadith, Naufel said, "However, there are allegations that those students are not getting that qualification at the field level. We want those studying in Qaumi Madrasas to get the minimum education they are supposed to attain within an age range. We will work towards that goal. In this case they also have to be strict. The education system should be brought into a framework.

Asked what the DCs said, the education minister said, "The issue of unregistered madrassas came up." It has been said by the district administration, due to the spread of these institutions, even though students are enrolled in the primary education of the government, there is a decrease in attendance.

Asked what the government is thinking, Naufel said, "We will discuss in the future whether such an institution (Nurani Madrasa) can be closed during the general education program."

He also said, 'The attendance rate will increase in unregistered institutions, attendance will decrease in institutions run by the government's curriculum, which is never desirable. In this regard, we will work with the field administration and the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. How Befaq is registering them through six boards, we have to work with them.

Stating that the field administration has conducted a survey across the country with the law enforcement agencies regarding the registration of Qaumi Madrasahs, he said, "We will work with the Ministry of Home Affairs on that too."

To a question about sexual harassment in educational institutions, the minister said, "Even when criminal incidents occur, a defense is given to the Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee by arguing that 'complaints are under investigation'." Whether the committee investigates or not, so that the police can take action according to the prevailing laws of the country, we do not stop it.

Naufel said that the DCs talked a lot about the new curriculum in the school, "They did not talk about any negative experience about it." As a result, we can assume that the teaching learning process of the curriculum has been accepted by teachers and parents.

Three coordinators in DB for interrogation

Staff Correspondent,
Pic: Collected

Pic: Collected

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Detective Branch (DB) of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police has taken three people, including Nahid Islam, one of the coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement, into custody from Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital in the capital. The other two coordinators are Asif Mahmud and Abu Baker Majumdar.

A DB source confirmed this information on Friday (July 26) night.

DB said three coordinators have been brought to the DB office for security and interrogation purposes.

All three of them are students of Dhaka University.


What the Home Minister said about lifting of the curfew

Staff Correspondent,
Pic: Collected

Pic: Collected

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Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said, everyone has to wait a little with the curfew till public life becomes normal. We are looking at whether the curfew can be relaxed.

He said these things while talking to reporters about the ongoing situation on Friday (July 26) night.

The Home Minister said, we are seeing if the curfew can be relaxed. Police BGB, Army are working. We have to wait a little until public life becomes normal. People should be patient. He also said that a decision may be made subject to discussion on Saturday (July 27).

At that time, he mentioned that there were brutal killings in the name of the movement, and he said, who will take responsibility for this loss of the country? BNP said they are not involved in violence. So who did it? It is a question of the people.

Regarding the arrest of the quota activists, the Home Minister said that the quota agitator leaders themselves are suffering from insecurity. For their safety, law enforcement has been called. Further action will be taken after the inquiry.

Incidentally, the government clamped a curfew from 12 midnight on July 19 to keep the situation normal around the quota reform movement. The army was also deployed.

The curfew was later relaxed for a specified period but has not yet been lifted completely.


Government to provide treatment & income to all injured: Prime Minister

Staff Correspondent,
Photo: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Photo: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the government will provide treatment and income to all those injured in the recent violence, regardless of party affiliation.

She said this while visiting the injured at Dhaka Medical College Hospital on Friday (July 26). Meanwhile, she inquired about the physical condition of the injured.

Sheikh Hasina said that the government will do whatever is necessary for the treatment of those injured in the violence. The government will take responsibility for the treatment of the injured, whichever party they belong to.

She also said, even after accepting all the demands on the quota, why is the movement not ending? Everyone at home and abroad should be vocal against the violence and brutality of BNP-Jamaat.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister visited several wards of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and inquired about the injured. She talked to doctors and nurses. She ordered to give all kinds of treatment to the injured.

Earlier in the morning, the head of government visited the Bangladesh Television (BTV) building damaged by vandals' attack and fire at Rampura in the capital.


BRUR administration provided financial assistance to the family of Abu Sayed

Staff Correspondent,, Rangpur
BRUR administration provided financial assistance to the family of Abu Sayed

BRUR administration provided financial assistance to the family of Abu Sayed

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The university administration has provided financial assistance to the family of Abu Sayed, a 12th batch student of the English department of Begum Rokeya University of Rangpur(BRUR), who was killed in the quota reform movement.

On Friday (July 26) at 10:30 a.m., a check of Tk. seven and a half lakh was handed over to the family of the deceased Abu Sayed.

At that time, Maqbul Hossain, the old father of the deceased Abu Sayed, said that at that time the VC sir spoke to me on the mobile phone. He asked about our welfare. He promised to be by our side. I told sir that one of our family should be given a job in the University. VC sir assured.

Maqbul Hossain also said, the piece of my liver was Abu Sayed. My family was running on the money saved from his private tuition. I have lost a child; there is no consolation for this grief.

University Proctor Shariful Islam, General Secretary of Teachers' Association Asaduzzaman Mandal Asad and President of Officials' Association Ferozul Islam were present while providing financial assistance on behalf of the University administration.

Proctor Shariful Islam said, the University administration is always in touch with the parents of Abu Sayed on the instructions of the VC. VC sir himself is looking for Sayed's family, he has promised to stand by the family. As a part of this, financial assistance of Tk. seven and a half lakh has been provided today. He said that this cooperation will continue.

Incidentally, on last Tuesday (July 16) there was a clash between the police and the Chhatra League at the park junction adjacent to Begum Rokeya University with the protesting students demanding quota reform. In this, Abu Sayed, who was in the front of the procession, died by gunshot. After this incident, the movement gained momentum throughout the country. Abu Sayed was one of the coordinators of Begum Rokeya University quota reform movement.
