Form special commission to check corruption festival’: Menon

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Form special commission to check corruption festival’: Menon

Form special commission to check corruption festival’: Menon

Bangladesh Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon has commented that if the spread of corruption cannot be prevented, the development progress of the country will be crushed by an iceberg.

He said, set up a special commission now to stop the scourge of corruption.


On Monday (June 24), Rashed Khan Menon said all these while participating in the general discussion of the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the 12th Jatiyo Sangsad(JS).

Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury presided over the session.

Rashed Khan Menon said, I want to draw attention to the rampant corruption in the country. During the BNP period, Bangladesh became the champion of corruption five times. We fought against that. Bangladesh is still among the top 10 in the global index of corruption during the BNP era, even though our stigma has been removed. On the other hand, the image of corruption that is emerging recently by abusing state power is not only creating distrust in the image of the country, but also in public institutions. There is no denying that the corruption picture of the former police chief and army chief is only the 'tip of the iceberg'.

If this spread of corruption is not stopped by taking special measures now, the development progress of the country will be crushed by the iceberg. Form a special commission now to stop this scourge of corruption. Give severe punishment to the corrupt by confiscating their assets and prosecuting them. Establish 'tribunals' for embezzlers.

Former minister Rashed Khan Menon said, I know there is pain in development. If that pain is due to the looting of the country's wealth before the eyes, then it cannot be accepted. When the looted money is 'proposed to be whitened by taxing half as much as the money earned by honest means', it becomes a reproach to honesty and a reward to dishonesty.

He said that all the arguments being given in this regard are not only hopeful but also contrary to the government's past position in this regard. What was immoral for Khaleda Zia is still immoral today. Hopefully, the Finance Minister will withdraw the proposal and absolve the Parliament from its responsibility.

Member of Parliament Menon said, cruel oligarchs are controlling the country's economy. Inflation could not be brought down to protect the interests of that oligarchy. Rising commodity prices, corruption, money laundering, looting and anarchy in the banking sector and huge mountain of defaulted loans have left the country's economy in a fragile state.

It was the urgent duty of the present time to bring relief to the life of the state by restoring the economy from it. But for that purpose no effective measures are seen in the budget.

He also said that the budget proposal is far away from the election manifesto of Awami League mentioned in the budget and is contradictory. The budget mentions the global crisis on inflation. In the same global crisis Sri Lanka, India could reduce inflation but Bangladesh could not, it was necessary to talk about it. However, the Finance Minister in the post-budget press conference hoped to reduce inflation within the next 6 months. We will wait patiently. I propose to raise a review in this regard in this Parliament after 6 months.

The president of the Workers' Party said that the impact of inflation has to be borne by the common people. As a result of this, the thing that is suffering the most is the high cost of goods. I have heard someone muttering in Parliament that people are in trouble. People are not only suffering, their savings are being destroyed. Having to reduce the purchase of daily necessities including food!