Citizens demand election after reform

  • Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka
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Photo:  Collected

Photo: Collected

Advising the interim government to focus on reforming the country first, prominent citizens said that elections should be held after the reforms.

They said this at a discussion meeting on 'Reforms and Elections: Civic and Political Thought' organized at Mohakhali Rawa Club on Monday (September 16) afternoon. The symposium was organized by the Center for Strategic and Development Studies and Moral Society.


Meanwhile, the negotiators proposed reforms in the defense sector including the constitution, society, politics, state, police, elections, economy, education, health, geopolitics.

Poet, writer and philosopher Farhad Mazhar said, we are all in favor of the interim government. What you are giving the impression of a constitutional vacuum is false. The crisis of our country is not a constitutional crisis. Our crisis is political. This situation is because we have not been able to form a state. The constitution has nothing to do with it.


He said, in 1972, we were not allowed to form the state due to the influence of India. We had 6 points before us but from there we introduced secularism, Bengali nationalism. They were not in six stages. Entering religious neutrality means anti-Islamic politics. Democracy means non-functional politics. Then there is no need to say religious neutrality.

Major General (Retd.) AMSA Amin, president of Moral Society said reforms before elections. Among them, we have found political reform. No government can do all the reforms but we want them to lay the foundations. We have to bring the people of all classes to our consensus with this reform, so that even if it takes 10-15 years, this self-sacrifice is fruitful.

Domestic and foreign conspiracies have begun to cause mass uprisings and the failure of the government. For this, the political society should be aware, as well as the general public should be made aware. Ameen also commented that the general public is its last defense.

Former Dhaka University Professor Abul Kasem Fazlul Haque said corruption was the most common complaint against the government of 1972-1975. Ziaur Rahman came and propagated corruption in such a way that starting from the imam of the mosque, everyone is bad, only Ziaur Rahman is good. At this time individuals are earning thousands of crores of money so that measures should be taken so that this does not happen. Years passed but the case does not end. In this type of case, in special circumstances, a special tribunal has to be tried within a very short period of time.

Stating that the elections will be held within three years, he said that political parties and leaders should also improve their political knowledge during this period. Do some studying. Let's get out of the attitude that preparation is needed for everything but no preparation is needed for politics.

Iqtedar Ahmed, the former registrar of the Supreme Court, said that a Constituent Assembly should be formed if the constitution is to be drafted anew. If you cannot clarify how will be formed, the problem will not be prevented. Solve this problem by discussing with political figures.

Former secretary Kasem Masum said, we have to form an independent election commission. That's why we have to reform first and then elections. Fascist governments must reform if they want to be re-elected not only reforms but also our mindset needs to be changed.

Rashed Khan, general secretary of Gana Odhikar Parishad, said, "Many people are saying that the old ones are gone, we have got new leadership." Is it possible to reform the state in this way? Those whom the people trusted have already become controversial.

Alauddin, a member of the National Citizens Committee, said, "When we protested, we all came and protested on a platform because at that time, whose political identity did not come to the fore, we all had the goal of removing the dictatorship. But then everyone went back to everyone's camp.