Decision to stop all kinds of politics in Dhaka University

  • DU Correspondent,, Dhaka
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

University administration has decided to stop all kinds of politics of students, teachers, officials and employees in the Dhaka University (DU) campus until further instructions.

This decision was taken in an emergency syndicate meeting held on Thursday (September 29) at the Vice-Chancellor's Lounge of Dhaka University.


Several syndicate members present at the meeting confirmed this information to

A syndicate member, who did not wish to be named, said an emergency syndicate meeting was held at the Vice-Chancellor lounge from 7 pm to 9:30 pm. This decision was taken after 2 hours of discussion there.


Incidentally, earlier, various departments of the University had announced the suspension of class exams demanding an end to politics in the campus.