Electoral system shall have to be thoroughly reformed: Adviser Hasan Arif

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Photo: Collected

Dhaka: Local government Adviser AF Hasan Arif said that the election process should be fixed and taken to an active and advanced place.

Hasan Arif said these things at the national dialogue titled 'Democratic decentralization and local government reform in the light of public aspirations' organized by Governance Advocacy Forum at Cirdap Auditorium in the capital on Saturday (September 28).


Local government Adviser said, in the last 15 years we have seen elections, were these elections? In a word, no.

The Adviser said the electoral system has been completely destroyed. The electoral system should be reformed again. It has been entrusted to the commission and it has been left in competent hands. Mr. Badiul Alam Majumder has been working for ages to make people aware of voting rights.

Hasan Arif said that it is the responsibility of the elected government, who will be in the parliament, to make the process of appointment of judges transparent. So the claim needs to be made to them. The demands should be made to the political party. The roadmap should be taken from them. In a hundred years, why is the local government structure not being like developed countries?

He said that the people of the country are very aware of the local government. Zila Parishad is a very old structure; it cannot be removed at will. Decentralization should be done out of Dhaka to districts and upazila.