Abul Khair(AK) group is violating Safe Food law

  • Senior Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

Dhaka: Every day, Mahmudur Rahman Ansari walked out of the Dhalpur City Corporation Colony in the capital. One day while walking, he found that some people were testing diabetes free. It was found that standing on the long line, people were testing their diabetes.

He also tested his own blood and the tester informed him that eating a low fat 'Marks diet', while satisfying his nutritional needs along with in control of diabetes.


Upon hearing them, he and a friend bought two packets of milk. It was last Saturday's event. This is where a group of sales representatives of Abul Khair Group sell milk to those who go out for a walk in the morning.

There were several banners hanging on the lake. A banner says, 'Marks diet milk is 99 percent fat free. Marks milk is 'milk based Diabetic Diet' is a low nutrient rich GI diet. Due to the GI formula, glucose releases slowly in the blood, thus increasing blood sugar levels. "


Another banner states that 'Marks diet has the nutritional value of milk, not just get fear of getting fat', but the Food Labeling Rule 2017 of the Safe Food Authority states differently.
In sub-section 8 of clause 4 of the law, it is stated that 'no such expression as' recommended by a physician, expert or any person or institution may be declared on the label;
Subsection 8A states that "no false information, claims or inaccuracies, or any misleading information or claims of sources such as disease curers, etc. may be recorded on the label about the quantity and nutritional value of the food or food product to increase its importance".

Speaking to City Corporation Sanitary Inspectors or Safe Food Inspectors, it has been learnt, 'an organization can only tell what ingredients are in their product. However, no doctor or expert will be able to give an opinion as to what it will act. Legally this is a crime '

Dhaka South City Corporation Safe Food Inspector Kamrul Hassan said, "What is the ingredients can be said, but what can be done in a product campaign cannot be said.Due to such campaign, a case is underway against the Dhaka South City Corporation Pure Food Court against the company, but the company has not yet rectified, he said.

It is reported that the food, marketing and marketing of Abul Khair Group's product, Marks Milk, continues to defy consumer food labeling regulations, which is largely a fraud and violation of law with the consumer. The company is campaigning with such false advertising to lure profit.

In September 2017, the Safe Food Inspector Kamrul Hasan filed a case in the City Corporation Pure Food Court.
However, after a hearing, the lawyer for Abul Khair Group said there would be no justice in the Pure Food Court. The case was later taken to the High Court for trial. Recently, the case was re-sent to the Pure Food Court from the High Court, where the date for hearing of the case is January 23.

Mostafizur Rahman, a manager of the Abul Khair group, said: "We have changed our ads since the case was filed. No more problems now. "

But when he was informed that the milk was being sold in a campaign in the name of controlling of diabetes, he said, "I did not know that, we will take action if something like this happens."