Security measures for an MP and the strength of Diplomatic Passport

Kabir Ahmed, Assistant Editor,
Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

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Green, blue and red; Bangladesh has these three color passports. Green passport for government employees and general public, blue passport is used for government officials traveling abroad and the other passport is red.

This red colored passport is a diplomatic passport. The President, Prime Minister, Cabinet Members, Members of Parliament and their spouses are eligible for this passport.

High court judges, vice-chancellors of public universities, heads of public service commissions and secretaries of various ministries and officials of Bangladeshi missions abroad get red passports. Red color passport holders get country-to-country on-arrival visa. Another feature is that diplomatic passports are red in color in all countries.

The origin of the issue of passport color is the murder of a Member of Parliament of Bangladesh while visiting neighboring India. Member of Parliament from Jhenaidah-4 Constituency Anwarul Azim Anar went to India for treatment and to attend a wedding ceremony of his friend's daughter. He went to India by road on May 12. He went to the house of a gold trader he knew. It is said that he used to stay in that house whenever he went to Kolkata.

Gopal Biswas, a gold merchant, mentioned in a general diary (GD) at the West Bengal police station that he left the house on May 13 due to medical treatment, and it is said that the last call came on the mobile phone of Anwarul Azim Anar's personal assistant on May 16.

A week after going to India and three days after losing contact, Anwarul Azim Anar's family has informed that he is 'missing' after going to India. Maybe this news went to various media and offices immediately, but this news came to the press on 19 May.

On the same day, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal while talking to reporters said, "There is nothing to worry about Anwarul Azim Anar" and assured, "Our NSI is working." Indian law enforcement agencies have been informed. There is no reason to worry.

The Minister said, "He (Anowarul Azim) is an old man, a Member of Parliament who knows what to do." He went to India, a neighboring country. It's not like he went to Myanmar, that there were fights. I think he will come back soon.

The Home Minister's speech had a reassuring message. There was a strong belief in the security of neighboring friendly countries. The strong confidence that he expressed about India in the comment that he has not gone to Myanmar, it turned out to be the opposite! After the disappearance, it is now known that Anwarul Azim Anar was murdered while in India and after the murder incident, the Home Minister said that it was Bangladeshis who killed MP Anar in India. He claimed that no Indian was involved in this incident.

No one in India may be involved in this murder, but when the crime scene is there, can one really avoid responsibility!

First came the news that the body of Member of Parliament Anwarul Azim Anar was recovered from a building in West Bengal. It was later learned that his body was not found. The search for the body is underway. In the meantime, at least five people have been arrested in the country and abroad.

Home Minister said that Anwarul Azim Anar was killed by Bangladeshis and not by Indians. The matter is under investigation. However, the language of the Home Minister, it seems that the investigation is over! However, after the news of his disappearance, the Home Minister said with confidence, "He is an old man, a Member of Parliament who knows what to do." I think you will come.' The fact is, he is unlikely to return as of now. The Minister also says that he was killed.

The past of MP Anwarul Azim Anar is gradually coming out in the media. It is known that he was under the warrant of the international police organization Interpol. Interpol had issued a red notice against him for racketeering and smuggling. By joining the Awami League, he was able to withdraw the notice as an MP.

Various sources say that he started in that area during the dictator Hussain Muhammad Ershad, developed during the BNP period and became a public representative during the Awami League period. He got 'immunity' from everywhere. Now, forgetting the past, we are busy mourning. Although the expression of human grief is not a fault, yet the true crime is never forgotten.

The death of MP Anwarul Azim Anar is unexpected. The murder of a parliament member of Bangladesh in a friendly neighboring country is alarming lthough this was not his official visit. He went to India alone. Attending medical, business or social events, for whatever reason the visit is personal, but his contact here is a Member of Parliament of Bangladesh. He uses the country's red passport. The color of diplomatic passports of every country in the world is red. As such, his foreign visit should not be unknown to anyone in the two countries.

Several ministers do not want to take the neighboring country into consideration regarding the murder of a Member of Parliament of Bangladesh in India. BNP General Secretary gave a punch, about 'Friendship of Bandhurashtra'. There is politics and love and hatred for India in trying to hide India, trying to bring it forward, but they have no responsibility here, but the time has not come to say it yet. This effort to further impeach and exonerate them is unnecessary. It is a matter of state-level communications, relations and investigations.

Our historical relationship with Indi from the Liberation War of Bangladesh to the recent progress of Bangladesh, the country's support and participation has been everywhere. Accepting this fact, the question can be raised; citizens die at the border why will the MP of Bangladesh die by shooting and crossing the border? There is no responsibility for that country! When he crossed the border and entered India, India came to know from his passport that a Member of Parliament had entered the country. These are very normal processes. When a foreign VIP enters Bangladesh, don't various organizations and authorities become active even though they are hidden! Various aspects including surveillance, security are relevant here. The importance of diplomatic passport is here!

According to the source of primary information, the Home Minister says that the victim of murder in Kolkata by Bangladeshis is the Member of Parliament Anwarul Azim Anar. This comment does not affect the investigation process before the start of the official investigation! Even if it is proved in the final investigation, the question can be asked, will the country's various forces and organizations not feel it when Bangladeshis go to a foreign country and make such a big incident? They are not really responsible here!

The body of Bangladesh parliamentarian Anwarul Azim Anar, who holds a diplomatic passport, has not been recovered so far. But first it was known about the recovery of the body. A group of assailants from Bangladesh killed in an elite area of the country, the bodies were removed, the suspects were arrested before the murders were confirmed, the neighboring friendly countries started discussing 'to blame or not to blame' - so many things happened, in the fastest time. They are mysterious!

Besides solving the mystery of the murder, it is also important to solve the mystery of so many events that happened as soon as possible.


Will doubts about train movement to Cox's Bazar go?

Ashraful Islam, Planning Editor,
Photo: Barta24

Photo: Barta24

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Eid is knocking at the door. In present time traveling on Eid holiday has become a bigger demand than performing religious rituals. Despite the socio-economic inequality, the economic empowerment of the people of the country can be felt during the festival days. Many people now visit Singapore-Thailand not only for sightseeing but also for Eid shopping. Needless to say about Kolkata, the city over the border. However, with the increase in people's economic capacity, the tendency to travel within the country to remove the monotony of civil life has also increased to a large extent.

The media has always highlighted the huge potential of tourism in Bangladesh. Scattered tourism centers have bright potential as export sector in the country in terms of foreign exchange earnings. But it is disappointing that the supporting infrastructure to properly exploit this existing potential of tourism is falling apart before it is fully utilized!

According to media reports, even though the much-awaited train service has started to the tourist city of Cox's Bazar, an evil circle is active to disrupt it. The iconic station has been constructed at a huge cost to facilitate the flow of local and foreign tourists in the tourist city of Cox's Bazar. The optimism expressed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the grand opening ceremony of the train launching to Cox's Bazar gave hope to all the travelers.

After the launching of the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar special train on April 8, much emotional news came in the newspapers. The news of train service to Cox's Bazar added a special level of joy for people who could not ride buses. We have also read the news that 'the dream of the old man who wants to go to Cox's Bazar will be fulfilled this time'. But the train was stopped last May 30 (2024) due to 'engine and loco master crisis'. Mozammel Haque Chowdhury of Jatri Kalyan Samiti then claimed that the decision to stop the train was mainly due to the anger of the bus owners of the Dhaka-Cox's Bazar route.

After being closed for 12 days in view of the continuous demands of the travelers, the special train left Chattogram again for Cox's Bazar on the morning of June 12 (2024). Although this news gives new hope, the railway authorities said that the train will run till June 24 'for now'. Cox's Bazar where there is so much interest of tourists, why the authorities could not arrange the required number of engines and loco masters so far? Construction of Cox's Bazar Railway, Iconic Station at the cost of such a huge amount of money - if it is possible to do all this; However, showing the crisis of the engine and loco master is not an excuse?

In the case of national flag carrier Biman Bangladesh Airlines or government telephone operator Teletalk, we have seen how organizations are systematically left behind in the race for service and profit. Examples can be given of many institutions of the state where this evil hand has cast its shadow.

Cox's Bazar's railways and its tourism potential were predicted to fall into the hands of this kind of vicious circle. Many feel that the current agitation over the launch of the long-awaited train is indicative of that. Doubts have arisen about whether train services will be able to break through the monopolistic business dominance of the railways with vested interest in the development of tourist cities. We hope that the government will act on this before the potential of this communication sector collapses.


Let the name of Pakistan be mentioned along with Israel in genocide

Kabir Ahmed, Assistant Editor,
Let the name of Pakistan be mentioned along with Israel in genocide

Let the name of Pakistan be mentioned along with Israel in genocide

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Genocide is the worst. They were supposed to be despised and hated in every country; But not so because even if the world calls genocide as the worst, it does not include everything in its definition. For example, most of the Western world does not agree to call Israel's aggression against Palestine as genocide. Even though voices were raised against it, the institutional protest and response did not happen as it should, and is not happening. As a result, apart from some isolated protests, everyone is largely unresponsive to it. As a result, Israeli aggression continues.

It is called the Israeli-Palestinian 'war'. But war is not supposed to be bilateral. After the attack by the Palestinian separatist organization Hamas, Israel has only carried out unilateral aggression, where the victims are the ordinary Palestinian people; women and children. Women and children also fall in the ranks of common people, but they have to be talked about differently, are spoken about differently, have different laws, policies and customs around the world. There are also organizations. Even after all this, the aggression did not stop. Could not be closed. There is a voice in the demand for closure, but there is a question about sincerity.

Eight months into the Israeli attack on Gaza, Palestine. At least 37,000 people have lost their lives in this ongoing aggression since the first week of October last year. The reality outside of this official information is usually more difficult. The number of people who lost their lives is out of consideration, the reports of innumerable people injured, there is huge loss of property, which is largely irreparable. Also, when this Israeli aggression has been going on for years without interruption, it is hard to imagine that it will stop anytime soon.

The 'death pit' is much of Gaza. The World Health Organization is talking about a humanitarian disaster in the besieged Gaza. Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet, quoted the World Health Organization as saying that 15,694 children have been killed so far in the ongoing conflict in Gaza. More than 17 thousand children lost their parents. More than 8,000 children under the age of five suffer from inadequate food and malnutrition. The organization said that there is a catastrophic hunger and famine situation. At least 37,000 people have been killed and at least 85,000 more Palestinian citizens have been injured in this attack by Israel. On the other hand, the number of dead in Israel has reached 1139.

The Israeli-Palestinian issue is called a 'war', but whether it falls under the definition of war is not strongly debated. The issue defined in this way is because there is a mentality of giving concessions to Israel in the name of war. However, even if the war means two sides fighting against each other, there is a one-sided aggression in Palestine, and there is no possibility of the Palestinians winning here. Here the Israelis are waging unilateral aggression, and the Palestinians are just fighting for their lives. So while it may not be called a war, the tricks of the globalists and their overt and overt affection for Israel are at work. Israel is committing genocide in Palestine. However, the definition of genocide changes here.

Bangladesh has always raised its voice against Israel's aggression in Palestine. Bangladesh's unwavering support for an independent Palestine dates back to the days of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. No matter who comes to power in Bangladesh at this time, this support has not changed. Bangladesh's support for the oppressed Palestinians is very spiritual. There are questions of human rights, there are religious sensitivities.

This time, Bangladesh is playing its best role against Israeli aggression. The protest said that the United Nations has also played a role according to its capacity. Despite the fact that most of the Western world, including the United States and the United Kingdom, are direct supporters of Israeli aggression, this role of Bangladesh is bold and noteworthy. During the last elections, the government protested against the Israeli aggression in Palestine, despite various domestic and foreign pressures. This role of the Awami League government must be remembered despite the uncertainty of its own position. But the government was under a lot of pressure. At that time, we saw that the political parties who did politics on religion, even the BNP did not say anything if they said anything against Israel only because of the fear of "America will be angry". But we are historically united on the question of the rightful demands and rights of the Palestinians.

Israel is violating human rights in Palestine. Bangladesh is not silent even though it is very flexible without being in a position to influence the world conscience. As far as Bangladesh has done its best, the people have support here. Apart from the role of the state, the anger spread among the people of Bangladesh is all against Israel. The influence here is mostly religious sensitivities. However, there is no conflict between religion and politics in humanitarian calls; The relationship is only spiritual.

In any case people are vocal against Israel's aggression, tough on crimes against humanity—is this analysis possible, should we be satisfied here? Let us answer - 'no'! Because as long as the crime against humanity is not considered as aggression against humanity, there will be obstacles in different areas including religion, race, caste; the path of equality will be gradually narrowed. Although some sense of indiscretion is embodied here, it should be brought to the fore by implying the question of divisive sensibilities in the human aspect.

Israel's aggression in Palestine cannot therefore be considered in religious terms. Thus, instead of opening up the avenues of consideration, the human aspect should be brought forward here. A mass murderer should be called a mass murderer. Not only in Palestine, but also in the world where human rights violations and genocides occur

At the same time, it should be kept in mind that we were also victims of genocide. During the Great Liberation War of 1971, Pakistan carried out genocide in Bangladesh.

If Israel continues to commit genocide in Palestine, so do the Pakistanis who commit genocide against us. The genocide of the Pakistanis should not be hidden in the genocide of Israel! 


The endless cry of progress!

Professor Dr. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, Emeritus Professor, Dhaka University


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The year 1971 was very difficult for girls in Bangladesh. Pakistani aggressors brutalized girls irrespective of whether they were Hindus or Muslims. The state had nurtured them. He gave permission to do whatever they wanted. They did that. With the support of the state, killings, looting of immovable property and rape have been carried out equally. Now there is no Pakistan, now we are independent, Bengalis are ruling Bengalis. So why are girls being abused like this?

Being trafficked to India, going to the Middle East in search of livelihood, being molested, being raped everywhere, committing suicide every now and then, getting caught in the trap of child marriage? The cause is unknown to us. The reason is that Pakistan has gone away but the ideology of that state has not gone away. The ideology was capitalist. He-ideals are now victorious more than ever before. The weak are bullied, will continue to be, because we will continue to prosper, and the prosperity of the very few will be forgotten by the rest. This is what is happening.

Those who say that the ghost of Pakistan has not yet left us are not lying. But most of them do not recognize the ghost. The ghost is nothing else, the ghost is capitalism. And what about the ghost, he is very much alive. He is busy taking the lives of the living. He uses religion as a means and a cover. There is no denying that our nationalists are all capitalists: they differ in name from the Pakistanis, but not in character.

So what's the way? Protest? of course The protest is going on. There are reports that girls who disagree with child marriage are complaining to the authorities. Teenage girls rescuing schoolmates from weddings, we learn. A May newspaper reported that a mother in Magura beheaded a young man who molested her daughter with a chapati. But that does not change the system. There were protests in America against Trump. The mother of one of the two Americans who were killed while protesting the sexual harassment of girls in Oregon, USA, said her son was a hero and will remain a hero even after death. Attempts are being made to take away the humanity of people, they will continue to try; but humanity is not to be destroyed, it will not be. But it is a proven fact that protesting alone will not work.

So what to escape? But where to escape? People had to flee from Bangladesh in 1971, when they came back they saw that Pakistan remained! The change is only in name. People are still fleeing. The rich have already built houses abroad, will leave in time. The general secretary of Awami League has warned the party people that if the party is not in power then there will be no way to escape with the money. Was this warning necessary? Those who have already made arrangements, others are also active. And those who lack money, not party people, but common people, a part of them are also fleeing.

The report says that among those who try to cross to Europe by sea, Bangladeshis are now at the top in terms of numbers. These unfortunate people do not go to launder money, but to earn money. But it's going. Lives are at stake. Jumping into the sea. It is natural that people will flee from war-torn Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Eritrea, but why are so many people fleeing from post-war and prosperous Bangladesh? Fleeing because there is no security of livelihood here; and the plight of girls says that life is not safe here.

The decision is so essential. What needs to be done is to get rid of capitalism. But no one can do that work alone, if you do it, not only disappointment, but danger will increase. Dismissal will require movement, and movement will require political parties. Not only will the team fail, if the enemy is not identified correctly, and the correct strategy and tactics are not adopted. In Bangladesh, and in many countries around the world, the nationalist war is over, what remains is the people's war for socialism.

It is clear that this war will not be easy. Coercive capitalism has many weapons at its disposal; a very powerful weapon is the media. The media spews out the atrocities of capitalism, but not the real news; Covers up, confuses, and keeps various fairy tale factory going. A fairy tale story was printed on the front pages of all newspapers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh defeated New Zealand in cricket. The story is told as a fairy tale; because this victory was unexpected, almost impossible.

The media loves fairy tales, but fairy tales cannot erase the hellish reality of which a story is in the newspaper, and on the front page. That is the recovery of the body of a mother with three children in this capital. It is believed that the mother herself killed her children, one by one; then she killed himself. The dead mother's brother, however, says that it is impossible, that his sister cannot do this and that others have done it; It's a murder. Either way, it's murder. And there is no doubt that the mother with three children was suffering from extreme depression.

Her husband once had a good income, invested Tk. 50 lakhs in the fraudulent business firm Destiny, got beat up; Tried to start a business on his own without success, can't pay his children's school fees, can't even feed them well; There is a family dispute over property. There was no light of hope anywhere. And all the burden was sitting on the neck of the endangered girl. She was a brilliant student; Passed MA, looking for a job, but didn't get it. Husband's thought there was a life outside, the wife's life in three rooms. Life was a miserable ordeal for him.

The fairy tales of progress are being shouted. But the reality is now so dire that there is no way to cover it up. Newspapers have more news about the hell of people in Bangladesh. 1. Being the second daughter in Satkhira, the newborn was killed by the father. 2. In Barguna, a pregnant housewife was beaten to death for not getting dowry. 3. An attempt was made to rape a student by entering the class room in Roumari. 4. Student raped by talking about marriage in Araihajar. 5. Expatriate wife missing with three children in Gazipur. 6. Mother's press conference demanding justice for daughter's murder in Dhaka. More news: 1. Two people were arrested on charges of child rape in the capital. 2. Widow beaten to death after failing to rape in Shaistaganj. 3. Wife gang-raped by husband in Kaliakore. 4. Beaten to death after rape on public road in Habiganj. Every incident is terrible. The 'improvement' continues.

The cry for change in the system is inherent in this improvement. Frustration will not end if the movement for change is not strengthened.


Delicately swinging Modi government!

Majharul Islam Babla, Executive Editor, Natun Diganta
photo: Collected

photo: Collected

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Narendra Modi will be sworn in for the third time today as the Prime Minister of the coalition government, supported by the Telugu Desam Party and JD (United), the BJP's allies that failed to secure a single majority. 7 full ministers will be sworn in for strategic reasons as to who is getting the ministry of which ministry. Only 2 of them are BJP MPs. The rest belong to the partner group. 2 ministers from TDP, 2 ministers from JD(U) and one full minister from Shiv Sena will take oath. Heads of State and Government of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Mauritius and Bhutan will attend the oath ceremony. As of yesterday, it was learned that no one from the main opposition India Alliance had been invited to the swearing-in ceremony. In this context, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh raised the question, "Modi said he will move forward with the opposition, but is this an example of moving forward with him?"

On the face of it, it may seem that the NDA coalition has come to power and will rule the country in the face of strong opposition. In reality, the challenge for Modi is not the opposition, but the two allied parties. On whose support the Modi government is being formed. Railway Minister Nitish Kumar has asked. Chandrababu Naidu has sought the post of Speaker. Modi-Amit Shah, however, does not seem to have made that promise. And if they don't get those two positions, we have to wait for what they decide.

BJP's strategy is to form the government somehow. See you later. And what can be seen is the MPs of Telugu Desam Party and Janata Dal (United) breaking the party and joining the BJP by giving a lot of money and all the privileges. The Speaker has the authority to approve the sitting of MPs from the party. The Speaker has the power to block their access to Parliament if he wishes. Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar are more senior and mature in politics than Modi. Therefore, they joined the BJP alliance and supported Modi to form the government, but they are well aware and aware of the near future.

They demanded the Speaker's post after realizing Chandrababu and Nitish Kumar's strategy to clip their wings. There is no doubt that the India Alliance will support Chandrababu for good reasons if he is voted for the post of Speaker. For the past ten years, Modi ran the country with absolute majority. This is not the case. In the face of a lot of tension, he has to be obedient to the partners and fulfill their demands. If any of the partners' demands are ignored, the Modi government will fall only if the two partners withdraw their support. Never in India's history has a government completed its term without securing a single majority. Morarji Desai's coalition government, which defeated Indira Gandhi, collapsed as a result of the withdrawal of support from its partners. The VP Singh, Deve Gowda coalition government also fell prematurely due to the same reason. It is reasonable to assume that the fall of Narendra Modi's coalition government will not be a surprise.

Modi will have to face an embarrassing situation in the Parliament this time with a strong opposition alliance as well as Amritpal Singh, a supporter of the independent Khalistan movement in Punjab, Sharabjit Singh and Rashid Sheikh, the head of the separatist movement in Kashmir. Two of the three independent MPs are in jail on anti-state charges. But surely he will participate in the parliamentary proceedings as the winner of the election. In Parliament, the Modi government has to deal with extremely hostile situations on all sides.

Back pull is seen in the RSS's unwavering support for Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. The relatively passive role of the RSS on behalf of the BJP in this election has not gone unnoticed. RSS (former Bharatiya Jana Sangh) is the ideological organization of BJP. No one who is not a loyal worker of RSS can become the leader of BJP. Both Vajpayee and Modi have proven active as RSS workers for a long time.

Narendra Modi's political journey began as an RSS worker. As proof of loyalty, he became the Chief Minister of Gujarat and the Prime Minister of India with the blessings of RSS. Vajpayee's deputy prime minister and leader of the demolition of Babri Masjid L. K Advani is the second leader of BJP. He was almost certain to become the next Prime Minister of India. But only the RSS has the authority to decide who will be the Prime Minister or not. Narendra Modi was brought forward instead of Advani considering Modi as more trustworthy, loyal and reliable than Advani. The RSS considered Modi acceptable to the exclusion of others, considering that he could control Modi and advance Hindutva politics through him.

In the first term, Modi accepted the allegiance of the RSS as Prime Minister, but in the second term, Modi's overconfidence created a distance with RSS chief Mohan Bhagat. The existence of the RSS is under threat as Modi takes all decisions on the advice of Amit Shah and some BJP party members, even claiming himself as God's avatar. So in this election, RSS has remained somewhat inactive in many states, especially in Uttar Pradesh, to create pressure on Modi and Amit Shah. But that does not mean that RSS wanted the defeat of BJP. Next year, the centenary of RSS will be celebrated. It is for good reason that the RSS wants the BJP to be in power so that their organization will spread across India. The RSS is also worried about the future of Modi's coalition government.

Narendra Modi is going to set an example as the Prime Minister for the third time in a row in the Lok Sabha elections of India. In the last ten years, the Modi government has made many promises to the country and its people, but has not kept them which party won the most seats even if it did not get a single majority. There is a proverb in Bengal that the mill of religion moves in the wind. Religion is said to be the most powerful. Same is happening with Modi. The worldly problems of Indians, hunger, injustice, exploitation, deprivation are forgotten by the call of that religion and Hindu nationalists consider BJP as the savior. They tried to bring Modi back to power in the hope of reaping worldly pleasures from worldly problems, but they did not get a single majority. BJP has to rely on JD United's Nitish Kumar and Telugu Desam Party's Chandrababu Naidu to come to power. And with their support the government will survive. If support is lost, the fall of the government will be inevitable.

Our subcontinent was divided by the sword of biethnicity though that was a misinterpretation of nationality. There were two major sectarian divisions. If the Congress had not raised the voice of one nation, then the Muslims would not have had the opportunity to present bi-nationalism. That so-called bi -nationalism has taken a permanent seat in constitutionally secular India.

The BJP could not secure a single majority. It is surely a slap of the people on the Modi regime for the last ten years. The Modi government will not be able to produce a single hegemony for the next five years like in the past. BJP had to seek support from Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu. If they fail to meet their demands, they will withdraw support and the BJP government will fall like all previous coalition governments. No coalition government in India has ever completed a term without a single majority. Although Narendra Modi won the honor of becoming the Prime Minister for the third consecutive time after Jawaharlal Nehru; There is no guarantee of when he will suddenly fall in the swing of staying in power and not. The Modi government must hang in the position of Raja Trishanku.
