Corruption: Present picture of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Mahfuz Parvez, Associate Editor,


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Rashed Khan Menon, President of Workers Party, a partner of the ruling coalition, has demanded the formation of a 'special commission' to stop corruption in the country and the formation of a 'tribunal' to try the embezzlers of bank money. According to him, 'constitute a special commission now to stop this scourge of corruption, confiscate the money and assets of the corrupt, and punish them severely. Establish tribunals for embezzlers.'

Talking about the matter, Bhupendra Bhowmik Dolan, general secretary of the 14-party alliance of the government, said, "Our policy position against corruption has always been vocal and clear." In the reality of Bangladesh, 'corruption' is the most discussed and debated topic, from the opposition party or government-supporters to the people's court. There is no way for anyone to deny that the corruption picture of the former Police Chief and Army Chief is only the tip of the iceberg, due to which the secret world of wealth of thousands of crores of money of many senior government officials is being exposed. Even, the outgoing Justice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, Muhammad Abdul Hafeez, at the end of his professional life and raised the question in amazement, how the government's salaried officials-employees become owners of billions, even hundreds of billions of money?

Undoubtedly, the incidents of rampant corruption have shocked the countrymen. That is why in the farewell speech of the eight-member appellate bench headed by Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan, Justice Hafiz said, corruption is damaging all our achievements. Corruption is rampant. Offices and courts should be kept free from the hands of corrupt persons. The state should take this responsibility. Then the country will benefit. People will be protected from unwanted dangers.

Bangladesh's 'corruption' is a topic of discussion across the borders of the country and abroad. When talking about 'second home' in Malaysia, 'Begum Para' in Canada, 'mall-market' in Dubai-Abu Dhabi, sources of corruption in Bangladesh come to the fore. Transparency International (TI), an international organization based in Berlin, Germany, publishes a report every year to give an idea of the level of corruption in any country. They have published a conceptual report on corruption for the past year 2023. According to the report, Bangladesh ranks tenth among the countries with the highest level of corruption in the world. Earlier in 2022, Bangladesh was ranked 12th. According to a Transparency International (TI) report, Bangladesh has a higher level of corruption than countries that do not have democracies and countries that have authoritarian regimes.

As a result, it is impossible to hide the fact that corruption is happening. Rather, if this spread of corruption is not prevented by taking special measures now, the development progress of the country will be crushed by the iceberg. Corrupt people will continue to loot the wealth of the country in the guise of saints. Even, their children will cause cattle and goats worth lakhs of money. Daughters will break the car of crores of takas. Wives will own duplex homes and resorts.

But unfortunately we have seen here journalists being bullied for reporting corruption from police association. Many ministers are calling this information speculative. Even if they try to hide the truth, the real picture cannot be hidden. The US Financial Integrity Institution has shown that 7 billion dollars are being smuggled out of Bangladesh every year. This money is invested in Begum Para in Canada, second home in Malaysia, modern shopping malls in Singapore, Dubai, real estate and hundi business. The dividend of this money is not coming to the country. There is no initiative to bring back the smuggled money. But the expatriates are being taxed on the income they send to the country for broken bones abroad. Thousands of crores of takas are being taken away from their foreign travel.

Even if the situation is dire, even Menon, who is a supporter of the government, is forced to say, 'One of the means of earning this wealth is taking money from the bank and not returning it, bank robbery and corruption. In 2009, the debt of Tk. 22 thousand 481 crore is now Tk. 1 lakh 82 thousand crore. If the rescheduling and disposal is taken into account, the amount will stand at Tk. 4 to Tk. 5 lakh crores. He said, 'Former Finance Minister Abdul Muhith promised to form "Bank Commission" to restore good governance in the banking sector. The next Finance Minister fired him. And now Bangladesh Bank is doing a scandal with the bank.'

The same can be said about laundering black money. It appears that when bribery, corruption and looting money is proposed to be laundered by taxing half as much as honestly earned money, it amounts to a reprimand for honesty and a reward for dishonesty. The arguments put forward in this regard are not only numb, but also contrary to the government's past stand.

The impression of corruption and decadence is visible in the murder of MP Anwarul Azim, apart from Aziz, Benazir, goat incident, so that the image of gold-drug smuggling and criminal world of South Western region of the country is emerging. Earlier, the influence of businessmen in politics and Parliament increased. This time, as the subject of crime has also been added, politics has become more cornered and the level of criminalization has increased. The image of the parliament is being damaged. These issues need to be deeply examined and self-criticized.

Many believe that ruthless oligarchs are controlling the country's economy. Inflation could not be brought down to protect the interests of that oligarchy. Commodity price, rising inflation, corruption, money laundering, looting and anarchy in the banking sector, huge mountain of defaulted loans have left the country's economy in a fragile state. It was the urgent duty of the present time to restore the economy from this, to bring back relief to public and state life. Bazaar Syndicate is playing like before. Making people its victim. The government admits that there is a syndicate. But there is no initiative to break the syndicate.

In the past too, Bangladesh has been the champion of corruption five times. There has been strong criticism and protests against it. Economists always say, if we could stop corruption, our growth would have increased by two and a half percent. Bangladesh is still among the top 10 in the global corruption index of the past period, but our stigma is somewhat removed. Rather, the image of corruption that has been emerging recently by misusing government positions and power is not only affecting the country's image, but also creating disappointment in various government institutions and general public distrust.

While there are socio-economic, institutional and political reasons for such rampant corruption, the psychological factor is not to be neglected. Only a person who is extremely dishonest, sick and perverted in mind and mentality can run after money and wealth like a drunken buffalo. He can behave like a madman in illegal ways to earn wealth thousand times more than he needs. Therefore, there is a need for psychological research to uncover the true nature of their criminality and corruption. This will make it easier to identify the black cats who carry out looting and corruption in white and saintly garb and bring them to justice.

A novel in this regard is worth recalling, titled 'Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'. The novel is a mystery novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. It was first published in 1886. London lawyer Gabriel John Utterson's investigation of the strange events between his old friend Dr. Henry Jekyll and his sinister counterpart Edward Hyde is the subject of this novel. The novel's influence was such that it became part of the English language, and the phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" refers to a person who has a dual existence, usually very good but sometimes unexpectedly evil.

As the story goes, Dr. Jekyll manages to discover a drug for his own use which, when used, turns him into a man of the opposite character, i.e. the vices of his mind become dominant and he acts accordingly. By applying another medicine, he can return to normal. This is how the doctor began to nurture two people in the same body with the good and evil nature of him. He named the bad guy Mr. Hyde. In this way he continues to live as Dr. Jekyll during the day and Mr. Hyde at night.

At one point such was the situation that he began to transform into Mr. Hyde, even if he didn't want to. It turns out that his second drug that used to turn him from Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll is no longer working. As a result, his humanity began to be replaced by animality. Meanwhile, Mr. Hyde kills a man. The real Dr. Jekyll committed suicide to escape the self-deprecation within him.

Our corrupt people are overtly good men Dr. Jekyll and covertly or subtly Mr. Hyde. Everyone thinks he is a good person and a person of high status, but in terms of principles, morals and behavior, a savage animal lives in him or them. One day when the household really comes, the thief is caught. There are more corrupt people in Bangladesh than those caught. Those who sit in the upper positions and talk big talk are cutting the pockets of the country playing with people's fortune and wealth.

Psychologists say that human passios are indeed very diverse, powerful and active, with greed, profit and lust on one side and a mind that cultivates moderation and good sense on the other. There is a constant battle between these two opposite natures. Suppression of evil forces is the measure of civilization. The more moderate the leader, person, society, ruler, institution is, the more civilized he or she is.

But corruption and corruption are ever-proud to cover the civilized world in darkness. They show loyalty to the rulers for their own interests and pursuits, telling people about values. In fact, they do not believe or practice any of this. They are pushing the political system, financial structure, moral standards, customs and civilization of a society towards destruction, this is the biggest danger message.

Therefore, beware of the former 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' who are championing corruption and lighting the red light of ethics by poking holes in society, administration and profession!

Dr. Mahfuz Parvez: Associate Editor,; Chairman and Professor, Department of Political Science, Chattogram University and Executive Director, Chattogram Center for Regional Studies, Bangladesh (CCRSBD).

Goat of Ifat and a noble servant of the Republic

Kabir Ahmed, Assistant Editor,
photo: Barta24

photo: Barta24

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Before Eid al-Azha, a young man named Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat went viral with a goat. The goat was worth Tk. fifteen lakh. He said it was his dream to buy such a goat. He had never seen such a face to face before. He has this fate because Allah has placed it in his destiny. The emotional boy's voice then exuded immense satisfaction; what more can I say!

The video of a goat costing Tk. fifteen lakhs has created a stir on social media the moment viral boy and his goat. Even though the price of goat is shocking, there are also cows worth crores of takas in the country. Last April, the price of a cow fetched Tk. 1 crore at the Livestock Fair held in Sher-e- Bangla Nagar of the capital. In favor of the price, its owner Sadiq Agro's Imran Hossain said, the price is high for the pedigree of the cow. This cow has the identity of father, grandfather, grandfather's father. He said, there are many reasons for asking the price of a cow for Tk. one crore. The number one reason is—this cow has a 110-year pedigree. Another big reason is that this cow's sire is a World Champion bloodline.

Tk. fifteen lakhs worth of goat belong to the owner's farm of Tk. crores worth of cows. How much the previous cow was sold for, who bought it when - although it is not known, the identity of the buyer of the goat bought for Tk. fifteen lakhs is known. Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat is the son of a government official. He is President of National Board of Revenue (NBR) Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal Md. Matiur Rahman is Ifat's father. He is also a director of the state-owned Sonali Bank Plc. After that, various information about Matiur Rahman's movable and immovable assets, the amount of money collected in the bank, income and expenses came into discussion. It is known that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) will look into this information.

Daily Khabar paper has published a report on Matiur Rahman's assets, it has been seen that he has laundered hundreds of crores of money so far despite being a government employee. He owns a flat worth Tk. 2 crore in Bashundhara and a 7 storey house in 5 katha worth Tk. 40 crore in Dhanmondi. He has a global shoe factory on about 300 bighas of land, having 60 percent of the land. He has a joint developer company called Jesix in Bashundhara has 14 storied commercial buildings. Gazipur Sadar has 60 percent land in 8 Khatians worth Tk. 40 crore. His first wife owns 14.03 percent of land in Bilamalia Mauza of Savar Police Station, 62.16 percent of land in Khilgaon Mauza of Gazipur Police Station. The son of the first party has 14.50 percent land worth Tk. 90 crores in Gazipur. He owns several expensive cars in the name of himself and his family members. FDR of more than Tk. 50 crore  has been deposited anonymously in various banks in his name. He has married more than once.

This wealth information coming to the media is in his own name and in the name of a part of the family. Assets held in the names of other spouses and family members are not available where Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat is. Information about Ifat's luxury car that has come through social media shows that this party and if there are any assets in someone else's name are still undisclosed. However, the published information says that he owns at least thousands of crores of money.

Matiur Rahman denied his blood relationship with Ifat. Said, Ifat is not his child. Although Feni Member of Parliament Nizam Uddin Hazari said that Ifat is the child of Matiur Rahman's second wife. Nizam Uddin MP is claiming that Ifat's mother is his cousine sister. Several public representatives of Feni said the same thing, which has already been published in the media. In other words, Motiur Rahman has denied the blood relationship after his son's goat case went viral after his wealth information came out.

How did a government official become the owner of so much wealth—the question now looms large? When the person sitting at the highest level of the National Board of Revenue was supposed to think about the country's revenue, how he has been secretly 'collecting revenue' for himself for so long, it would not have been known if the goat scandal of Ifat had not taken place. No matter how negatively Ifat's goat and price are viewed here, this goat, price and Ifat's video shows the way to track down the 'high-class' government official.

This government official named Matiur Rahman denied his relationship with Ifat. It doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not because Ifat is not guilty, or even charged, of any criminal offense due to his age, various ways of enjoying the huge wealth received by the family. If a young person of this age gets so much wealth, he will use it in various ways. He cannot be called guilty here. Maybe, his spending habits are uncontrolled or unaccountable, but it is not a crime as long as it causes harm to others. It is known in the media that every year he went to the farm and did not take all the animal bookings. It could be due to his uncontrolled movement and age. Correction of this fault is possible in counseling here.

Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat has actually done a lot of good for the country by making a video of buying goat at a price of Tk. 15 lakh. Through this, the country has seen a government employee of "high caste". The countrymen want to know how some of the people in charge of revenue collection of the state have taken themselves. Ifat goat is therefore forcing the ACC to take initiative. It forced the government to remove Matiur Rahman from NBR in 'public interest'. On Sunday (June 23), a notification signed by Mokima Begum, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Finance said that President of Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal Matiur Rahman has been attached to the Internal Resources Division of the Ministry of Finance. It is also notified that this order will come into effect immediately in public interest not mentioned.

Ifat and the goat of Ifat are therefore not harmful. Rather, it has benefited the country. Putting aside the issue of uncontrolled or unaccounted expenses, Ifat can be thanked for that because his goat, price and video found a government official, who has been an employee of the republic for so long and has worked against that republic without hindrance, secretly.


Awami League: Bright canvas of freedom in the awakening of youth

SM Raqib Sirazi,


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In his book 'Methodology of Social Science', the famous sociologist Max Weber sheds light on how the history and context of the establishment of a real ideal political party should be. According to Weber, in most cases within a political party, two factors are reflected in the fatness; Firstly, consideration of the overall needs or expectations of an ethnic group and secondly, the historical requirements created in a particular context.

Weber has also shown that political parties can be formed in the context of war, inflation, depression or mass movements from a historical point of view, just as political parties are formed on the question of inclusion in the political system for an ethnic group. Conformity with Weber's views can also be found in the later writings of other theorists such as Gabriel Elmond and Sidney Verber. So, in a word, a political party is created to change the fate of a nation or change the history.

In the establishment of Bangladesh Awami League, one of the oldest political organizations in the subcontinent, founded in 1949, we see both these types of needs. On the one hand, under an ethnically inclusive Bengali nationalist identity, the Bengali language question, the question of their own culture, organized for a mass movement to establish political rights.

On the other hand, in the historical context, the Pakistani ruling class continues to face a crisis of legitimacy with the public. In such a historical moment of space and time, the political manifestation of Bengali ethnic identity, Bangladesh Awami League, was established. Although initially named East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, it later adopted the name 'Awami League' from the entire Pakistan Awami League in 1955 as an expression of its non-communal spirit.

Awami League came into the politics of Pakistan primarily as a platform to present the political demands of Bengalis in an organizational manner and as an infrastructure to create the future political leadership of Bengalis. Awami League has retained its relevance as a political entity under various regimes in the later period, initially the Bengali nation and later the country as a whole was the savior of this land in times of need. The current young generation, especially those born at the end of the last century or in the current century, a large part of them saw Awami League only as a government party, not as an opposition party.

We have not had the opportunity to know how much they know about the entire history of the last 75 years of Awami League. To evaluate Awami League objectively, it is best to analyze 'Government Party Awami League' and 'Political Party Awami League' separately. Although Awami League is the most successful political organization in the subcontinent in both formats, it is not possible to keep everyone's mind if it is in the government party.

People of different views and paths have different expectations, it is not possible to meet everyone's expectations. Especially when there are multiple opinions, multiple views on the same issue, the government has to face the inevitable criticism of the rest while accepting any one. As a result, it is more logical to evaluate Awami League as a political party before evaluating Awami League as a government party.

Among the many achievements in the political party Awami League's diary of a quarter of a century of struggle, the greatest achievement is 'Independent Bangladesh'. However, in this case the contribution of charismatic leader 'person' Bangabandhu along with 'party' Awami League is also infinite. It is the fortune of Awami League that Awami League got a world class leader like Bangabandhu. The establishment of an independent country in less than 20/22 years under the sole leadership of a single leader of a political party is unprecedented in the history of the thousand years of world politics.

Apart from Awami League, there was more or less involvement of some other political parties in the movement to liberate Bangladesh, but the main goal and objective of Awami League alone was to liberate Bangladesh, the irrefutable proof of this is that Awami League, like ten other organizations, took that day as its foundation anniversary after its debut. did not, but chose a day before the establishment of Awami League as the day of its debut, exactly two hundred years ago on the day that the sun of independence of the region had set in the battle of Palassy. Awami League chose that 23rd June as the new day of independence. So the independence of Bangladesh is not the result of Awami League's 'By chance Movement' but the product of 'By choice Movement'.

Apart from the achievement of independence, almost all the important achievements of Bangladesh in the last 75 years have come from the hands of Awami League. In 1947, after the formation of Pakistan on the basis of the 'wrong policy' two nation theory, the government of Pakistan attacked the language and culture of East Bengal for the first time and Awami League was born while fighting against that attack. Then came the Jukta Front elections, Ayub Khan's autocracy movement, 62' education movement, 64' movement against communal riots, 66' 6 point movement, 68' movement against Agartala conspiracy case, 69' mass uprising, 70's elections and 71's great War of liberation! All this has been led by Awami League. As the saying goes, protecting freedom is harder than achieving it.

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said after independence, "This freedom will become true freedom for me only when all the sufferings of the farmers, laborers and poor people of Bengal will end".

The Father of the Nation is second to make freedom meaningful or to protect freedom     called revolution, formed BAKSAL, started struggle for economic emancipation and lost his life brutally in the ongoing struggle. After the murder of Mujib, the darkness of subjugation descended on the independent country.

The homeland of dreams fell into the indestructible grip of the defeated power and consumerist dictator of 1971. And from there, she has brought today's Bangladesh to this stage, 'that Bangabandhu' under whose leadership the country became independent, the immortal legacy of his blood and the brightest beacon in the 75-year history of Awami League, national treasure Sheikh Hasina.

Awami League's historic role in the anti-dictatorship movement in the eighties is a milestone in the country's democratic movement. Digital Bangladesh through the implementation of numerous projects and mega projects like movement to establish democracy against autocracy, trial of Bangabandhu murder, trial of war criminals, MDG-SDG achievement, infrastructure development, installation of Bangabandhu satellite, Padma Bridge, Metrorail, Rooppur Nuclear Power Project, Karnaphuli Tunnel, Elevated Expressway journey to smart Bangladesh, everything is in the hands of Awami League. As a result, instead of saying what Awami League has done for this country, instead of writing what Awami League has not yet done, it will be easy for the new generation to understand that everything else has been done by Awami League. Awami League's moral position is clear and strategic efforts are ongoing in sensitive issues like anti-corruption, stopping women's abuse and establishing women's rights, preventing money laundering, reducing road accidents.

Despite all this, Awami League still has some liabilities as a political organization. The biggest failure of Awami League is that it has not yet completely eradicated the defeated forces of '71 from this country, has not been able to destroy the vermin who ridiculed the liberation war, has not been able to free the country's politics from the rise of extreme fundamentalism, has not been able to bring back the remaining fugitive murderers of Bangabandhu, the universal nation. Father did not take any initiative to make Bangabandhu universal!

But we think that Awami League is not a sitting party. What the Congress, the oldest political party in the subcontinent, could not do in India, the Awami League did in Bangladesh. Another ancient political party, the Muslim League, has become unpopular in Pakistan, while the Awami League has gained popularity in Bangladesh.

Awami League has some important characters. Awami League is stronger in the opposition party than the government party, Awami League is united in crisis, Awami League burns like a volcano against dictatorship or any form of undemocratic rule, Awami League never tries to break any other party, Awami League apolitically eliminates any anti-national political leadership. It does not try, Awami League never steps on anyone's throat, but it does not hesitate to fire arrows for someone of fictitious nature.

People are more critical of those they love, those they expect good things from. The young generation of this country criticizes Awami League the most because their expectations are high from Awami League. The best feature of Awami League is that they welcome the criticism of the youth, embrace the energetic currents of the youth, embrace the creativity of the youth and bask in the thoughts of the youth. As a result, despite thousands of criticisms, the young generation of this country considers Awami League as their last refuge. The picture that the bloody history of the freedom struggle has painted in the mind of the young generation of this country is reflected in their thoughts, consciousness, thoughts and actions.

The 75-year-old Awami League is therefore a bright canvas of liberation and freedom in the consciousness of the youth of this country. They know the root name of Bangladesh is Awami League. Just as a tree suffers from lack of oxygen when its roots are affected, the people of this country suffer from lack of good governance and democracy when Awami League is affected. They believe that if Bangladesh is to be kept alive, Awami League should be kept alive carefully.

This is the hope that the 18-year-old struggling youth will be victorious in the blood of the 75-year-old Awami League under the firm oath of building the dream Bangladesh under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina. On behalf of the invincible youth of undefeated Bengal, Rose colored good wishes on Awami League's birthday.

Author: Technical Education Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Chhatra League Central Executive Committee and Past President, Dhaka University Debating Society.


As I saw my village

Ashraful Islam, Planning Editor,
Picture: Collected

Picture: Collected

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The distance from the heart of the capital Dhaka to quite village Shimultala of Gazipur is around 70 km. After crossing the industrial area of Tongi on the road, it seemed like a dense green forest. In the course of time, the forest of greenery has gradually turned into a city of bricks and stones due to the prevalence of industrialization. The unprecedented improvement in road connectivity in recent years has also changed the traffic pattern in Gazipur, a district next to Dhaka. Crossing many flyovers, the four-lane highway continues from Gazipur intersection towards Mymensingh. People have forgotten the notoriety of this road as a heavy traffic route. Like last Ramadan's Eid, this time too, the media has reported a very uneventful Eid journey. It is proved by traveling from Banglamotor in the capital to Shimultala and reaching Gazipur intersection in less than an hour. All together it was dusk by the time our car reached the ancestral home in Shimultala in just over an hour and a half.

A few days ago, the mother said on the phone that both the breeding and production of foxes have increased in the village. There was also evidence of him calling hookahhua while getting out of the car. A lot more information came out when the subject of the fox came up. A few years ago, the locals fed up with the foxes and injected poison into the dead chickens of the poultry and left them in the forest of Sheikh Vita. The eager villagers went the next day and were delighted to see ten foxes lying dead scattered in the forest. A historical photograph of the local ruler Bhawal Raja Madhyam Kumar Ramendra Narayan Roy hunting a tiger in the deep Ghazari forest of Bhawal pargana reminds us of the hunter character of the people of this township. But there is no need to say that the organized killing of some animals like foxes living in the remaining thickets of the Biyaman forest in the densely populated localities of the present day Bhawal (now Gazipur district) is absolutely fiendish. It was not possible to know whether the office at Baldighat Bazar of Kawraid Bonbit, near Sheikhvita, took any action in the incident of fox killing. It should definitely have been made a punishable offense under the Wildlife Conservation Act. Killing foxes is trivial to a society that has forgotten the rights of the animals we have destroyed by destroying the habitats of wild animals.

As I was taking the baby out of the car and into the house, he was startled by the hookah calls of the fox and held fast. I remember how this village of Bhawal was three and a half decades ago. Sitting on mother's lap, we also heard the story of the tiger that day. I heard how a gang of monkeys surrounded my father and the story of how a neighbor rescued him with a stick. As a teenager, my father, who was riding in the fields with a herd of cows and buffaloes, mischievously hit a monkey with a stick and was immediately surrounded by hundreds of monkeys. That day he had given up hope of surviving the attack of the gang of monkeys. But the group of monkeys has gradually become isolated before breaking up over the decades. Now and then one or two lone monkeys may be seen wandering around the locality hoping for some food. The monkeys that attacked my teenage father in gangs now cower in fear of humans.

My favorite place to roam alone in my childhood and youth was the dense Ghazari forest to the south of the house. Sometimes on foot or by bicycle. As far as I can remember, the ability to sit on a bicycle seat was not yet available. In between, I put my head to the pedal and learned a technique of cycling. I used to run like that into the forest. There is no end to how much soil I have dug in the hope that potatoes can be found by digging the soil of the forest. Tigers have since disappeared from Bhawal forest due to human encroachment. But after listening to the back story of some place-names from my parents as a child, I tried to imagine how the tigers roamed. A place called 'Bagherdhara' near my village still silently speaks of the tiger's once existence in the region. The infant son was soothed like that night by being told the story of the disappearance of the animals.

Even two decades ago, electricity was like a dream for the people of the village, the people of Shimultala village are now illuminated by the light of electricity. LED television, fridge, blender and various electronic items at home. From the village that had to walk 10 miles to catch a train or bus to Dhaka, now there is a pitch or brick carpeting road in the courtyard of the house! The women of the village are running in groups to Kawraid, Jainabazar or Mawna supermarket to complete their Eid shopping. This is an incredible change.

But this Eid saw many more changes in Shimultala after printing the 'Shyamlima film' of Shyamal village. Calling it decadent would probably not be an exaggeration. "Little learning is terrible" - heard in childhood but came to understand its true meaning at this time. Once this village was called an image of solidarity and unity, but it was not wrong. But in the course of time, pitch casting roads, house-to-house electric lamps and abundance of raw money - despite all this, the life of the village is about to be lost!

No one has contact with anyone. 10 groups were seen in one neighborhood or mahalla of the village which once became a part of a larger family. The record of Waj is being played on the big screen in the tea shop of the crossing, while sitting next to it, all the immoral acts are going on! Men and women, young and old are not behind in gossip and factionalism.

Even a decade ago, in the village, devout Muslims used to rush to the Eidgah field from different parts, the elders went in the front, the juniors in the back. Pilgrims could be seen in the cemeteries. As in several years, I went to the village and did not see any of these things. The entire village used to gather at the central Eidgah ground in Shimultala by the devout Muslims. This time it was seen in the neighborhood of 15-20 Eid congregations! This trend is not only in Shimultala, but thanks to Facebook, a picture has been published in Galdapara, a nearby village, in which some Muslims are seen sitting to offer Eid prayers. The essence of many comments below the Facebook post is that the village has lost its traditional traditions.

The experience of going to the village and staying in the midst of the gloom of this festival for the next two days from the day and night of Eid can be called a kind of hell. From evening to night, the sound of the sound box was coming from all around to the beat of the DJ so that everything was shaking. City people go to villages during festivals to escape for a while from the grinding noise of the mechanized life of the city. Instead of living there in peace, this hellish torment was an accumulation of miserable experiences.

After investigation, it was found that free sale of Bahari drugs is also going on in this frenzy that lasted for two consecutive nights from evening to morning. Alcohol from Yaba or sexually arousing drinks in the packaging of health-damaging energy drinks - all were part of the DJ party.

It is noteworthy that the parents themselves had no hell to stop this sick madness led by the youth of the village! No action was seen from the local public representatives or the police. In those two nights after Eid, I was shocked to think what happened to the sick, children or birds or wild animals. I have never seen such an uncontrolled society before in my lifetime. The question has arisen in the mind, but has the stability and values of the society gone to the bottom?

Even in the time of urban civilization, there is no shortage of emotion around the village whether in personal life or in literature, the presence of the village is gloriously bright everywhere. This village is not less practiced in the field of politics. "Bangladesh will survive if eighty thousand villages survive" - the slogan of a political party in the country is also very old. People who are tired of the brick-and-mortar urban life, get bored in the pure air of Shyamal village. A great occasion for the busy people of the city to go to the village is created around the festive season.

Any obstacle in the journey is not insignificant to those who rush to the village to attend the festival at certain times of the year. In the midst of traffic jams and accidents in the village, touching a piece of the ancestral home should be full of satisfaction. A lot of planning goes on around that time of the year meeting with parents, grandparents, relatives and acquaintances in the village. One's parents may not be alive, but the search for ultimate peace even in the tears of visiting their graves in deserted graveyards has become a part of our lives.

But now it is a great ominous sign that this eternal joy of the festival and the unity of the emotions of acquaintances has faded away. We do not know how to prevent the decline of the village in the current of change? How will the village regain its glory? When I was returning to Dhaka with the heavy rain on my head, the loud sound of the DJ party was still stung subconsciously. Just wondering, how did this imported 'hell pain' spread by neglecting the healthy rural culture? Can we avoid the responsibility? Rabindranath's poem must be taken refuge and said, 'Whom do you condemn, this is my sin, this is your sin'.


Sacrificing ‘white animal’ with ‘black money’

Professor Dr. Md. Fakhrul Islam


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When I hear about going to the market for household expenses, the tendency to dodge works in me. Every year when Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated, I want to go to the cattle market. There is no option to buy sacrificial cows and goats by choice. I went to the animal market with a double mask on my face during Covid. This time there is no fear of Covid but the situation is like 'heat alert' in our area.

On top of that, there has been no rain for almost two consecutive weeks in June. Very hot! After getting sunburned, I went to the market to buy sacrificial animals as usual. I have attached faithful Lalmia, Ali and Bhutto (pseudonyms).

When he reached the market, he said that Mazdar Ali, a well-known local, would also accompany him. Although it is possible to take a car to the cow market, it is very difficult to find parking space near the market. That's why we all sat together in the autovan with legs hanging around. The story is also interesting. Bhutto suddenly said loudly - 'Now understand the fun! Ali said, what the hell! Who are you referring to?

Bhutto began, quoting a morning TV news source. That is, big cows are not valued at all in Dhaka cattle markets. A small entrepreneur came from Phultala in Khulna to Gabtali market with his four year old big bull called 'Nantu'.

He hoped that this time the cow weighing 34 maunds would be sold and would make a lot of profit. The cost of rearing the cow will be paid off with the profit. But his regret is that for the last three days, many people have seen his huge Nantu at Gabtali Market and said - Yes! What a big cow! But no one bid to buy. Even if the price of Tk. 20 lakh, no one said the price of Tk. 20!

Only one day left for Eid. He can't even afford to take Nantu home and eat it if he can't sell it already. That's why the owner of the cow is very broken. His eyes are just watering.

Now Ali said, it's a matter of trouble! What's funny about it!

Bhutto replied, the fun of black money! Now the owners of black money are afraid and no one is coming forward to buy big cows. That's why there are no buyers to buy big cows in the Eid market this year. Those who have hired trucks from remote areas of the country to sell cows in Dhaka hoping to make a profit of two paisa, are crying in frustration as they are not sold.

Many people have black money. The government announcement to make black money white has only been announced for buying flats, houses or land but if it was announced for buying a sacrificial cow, today this small entrepreneur would not have to sit in the market and cry!

Doesn't it make for a lot of fun! Therefore, there is a bias in the declaration of black money whiteness. Should have thought about the poor, right! Otherwise, it should have been announced that a white cow can be bought from the market with black money and sacrificed!

But after hearing his argument, Lalmia got a little angry and started countering. He said, why can't sacrifice be done even if you buy black or brown cows with black money?

Bhutto immediately sided with Lalmia. When the van driver tried to turn back to join the discussion, I loudly instructed him not to look back and drive the van properly.

Ali said, Bhutto, you are an ox! Like that one, who was caught making black money before turning it white and fled abroad. Aha! If he had the opportunity to buy so many houses, flats, land after the announcement of this budget, then he would not have to flee the country!

It was good to hear their discussion. Meanwhile, I did not realize when I came near the market. Our autovan came to a screeching halt as thousands of cows, vans of goats, trucks, people roared back. We all got down and headed towards the market.

Bhutto's famous words were etched in his mind as he entered the market - 'It is not permissible to sacrifice a white cow with black money'!

If you can buy a house with black money and live in it, if you can eat expensive food in a hotel, then how about going to Hajj with that money! Why sacrifice is unfair! My head started spinning. I passed the row of colorful cows and goats and reached the middle of the market.

Unknowingly, when I saw a white animal, I started looking at it with a 'fall fall' look. And it started to seem, 'Black and white outside, everyone is the same color inside.'

But why this discrimination! Why so many frauds and contradictions! So much difference! Why so much theft, robbery, corruption, fraud! So many false lawsuits, attacks and murder!

I did not buy white animals! I thought, our money is not black and white anymore. It is halal earnings, hard-earned money! With this money, there is no prohibition to buy any color, style, animal, product in the world. There is no obstacle to buy or eat any food, there is no fault! There is nothing wrong with buying and eating with black money as described in economics. But the fault lies elsewhere - that is within the mind, within the relationship with the soul.

That depends on the guidance of the great creator. It is indicated that the message of the creator, the great great man, the Prophet (PBUH), related to the revealed path, removed the darkness of the world and spread light upon light and interwoven each other.

It is said in Surah Noor (24:29), 'Nurun a'la Noor' or Surah Ma'ida (27:31) about the great self-sacrifice through the sacrifice of one's infant son, the creation of taqwa.

By the knowledge and light that emerges and slaughters the animality of the mind, we come to buy a white animal or two at the sacrificial market; The biggest religious festival of believing Muslims cannot be judged only by the color of their outer covering.

The announcement of whitening of black money in this year's national budget has attracted many controversies - 'whitening of black money is unconstitutional', 'discriminatory', 'corruption-friendly' and the Prime Minister's announcement of 'zero tolerance against corruption'.  

A class of people in the country have built a mountain of wealth illegally. Honesty is hindered by their persuasion. Lives, drug trade, unethical transaction systems.

Black money is born in the dark alleys. Usury, bribery, corruption, forgery, lies, fraud, tax evasion, theft, fraud, smuggling, illegal drug trade, bank robbery, money laundering, land grabbing, river grabbing, manufacturing and selling of adulterated goods, above all maja business, evasion of zakat- Ityaka's various bad practices are a hotbed of black money.

These scumbags can be caught paying the country's taxes, so they don't pay the right amount of tax on the one hand, and refrain from paying zakat. Because of that, the financial status of the state does not increase with them, and the welfare of the poor people is not achieved.

News of black money laundering fuels corruption manifold. No matter how much the contribution of white money in the budget is, it is illegal, no-pak!

No matter how vociferously one may argue in the language of economics in favor of making black money white, if a drop of urine accidentally spills in a bucket of milk while milking a cow, would a holy man knowingly want to drink it! For example, white holy money is also required for sacrifice.

Announcing black money white every year is against the religious and moral values of the people of our country. It gives more encouragement to the white collar criminals in the country and strengthens the gangsterism.

Use and earning of black money is indicative of dishonesty and lack of ethics. There is no legitimate way to ensure accountability in the use of black money in any life. So, innocent people of Saadaman should stay away from black money and increase public awareness about the harmful aspects of this money. Because, from a religious point of view, donation and zakat are not effective, just like buying a white animal and sacrificing it is not supposed to be pure!

Author- Professor of Social Work Department of Rajshahi University and former Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences.
