BNP is taking program demanding the release of Khaleda Zia

Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

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BNP is taking a program to demand the release of BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, who is undergoing treatment at Evercare Hospital in the capital. The program will be announced on Wednesday. However, what kind of program will be taken has not yet been announced.

Secretary General of the party Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said these things in a press conference at the BNP Chairperson's political office in Gulshan in the capital on Tuesday (June 25).

He said that in the meeting of the BNP standing committee, it was decided to start a movement to demand the release of Khaleda Zia. A decision will be taken to formulate necessary programs for that purpose.

He further said that the contribution, struggle and sacrifice of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia in restoring democracy is unparalleled in the recent democratic world. The illegitimate government is doing this nefarious plot to keep Khaleda Zia away from politics by systematically punishing her in a false case. She is being held only because of political vendetta, which is completely illegal and unconstitutional. It is her constitutional right to get bail in this case.

Mirza Fakhrul said that Khaleda Zia has been suffering from various complex diseases for a long time and doctors have recommended sending her abroad for better treatment. The party demanded that she be released and sent abroad so much so that the family has twice asked permission for her treatment abroad. But the illegitimate government deprived her of advanced medical treatment in order to kill her to perpetuate their power. I demand immediate unconditional release of Khaleda Zia.

The BNP Chairperson was taken to Evercare Hospital in an ambulance late on Friday (June 21) when her illness worsened. Begum Khaleda Zia's heart was implanted with a pacemaker on Sunday (June 23).

Currently, Khaleda Zia is undergoing treatment under the medical board consisting of expert doctors headed by cardiologist Professor Shahabuddin Talukder. The members of the medical board held several meetings on Saturday and Sunday and decided to set the pacemaker.

Khaleda Zia's eldest son Tariq Rahman's wife from London Dr. Zobayeda Rahman and some specialist doctors from USA, Australia were virtually involved in these medical board meetings.

79-year-old Khaleda Zia is suffering from diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, lung, liver, kidney and various other complex diseases. She has had to be hospitalized several times in the past four years. 

If measures are taken to stop corruption, Sheikh Hasina will surpass Mahathir

Staff Correspondent,
Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

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Calling for urgent action against bank looting, money laundering and corruption, Awami League Presidium Member Advocate Qamrul Islam said that if action can be taken against these miscreants, Sheikh Hasina will surpass Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammad.

He made this comment during the general debate in the budget session for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the JS on Thursday (June 27).

In the session presided over by Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, this member of parliament from the government party raised a question and said, if there was no corruption, why are the officers like Benazir and Goat scandal afraid of the law. Why run away from the country? Exemplary punishment must be meted out against them.

Awami League leader Qamrul Islam commented that the recent corruption news is part of the conspiracy. He said, I believe that all the incidents that are happening recently are part of the conspiracy. All of a sudden there is some propaganda against some corrupt, ex-officials as part of national and international conspiracies.

Referring to former IGP of Police Benazir Ahmed and NBR officer Matiur Rahman, Qamrul Islam said that although all these corruptions are suddenly emerging through national and international conspiracies. Even then, it must be acknowledged that those who are accused today, why are they afraid of the law? Fearing the law, why go abroad? Today, Mr. Benazir, why are the officers of the goat case afraid of the law? They seem to be corrupt because they fear the law. The allegations against them are true. It is part of the conspiracy. But still they appear to be true in their roles.

Former minister Qamrul Islam said, our Prime Minister is in state power for the fourth consecutive term. I believe she will surpass even Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammad. If action can be taken against corruption, tax evaders and miscreants I believe Awami League will come to power again, the current Prime Minister will be able to form the government again.

He said, now is the time to take action against them. As politicians, we are ashamed to see all these people as bank robbers or those doing such things.

MP Qamrul Islam said, I want to say once again that our Prime Minister is one of the most honest statesmen in the world. In our country, bank robbers, money launderers and all these corrupt people cannot smear us with chalk. They must be prosecuted on an urgent basis, just as they were prosecuted in the casino case.

This leader of Awami League said that today when our Prime Minister has established herself as one of the honest people. Her name is included in the list of 10 honest people of the world. There is no tolerance for those who commit corruption. Bangladesh Awami League has proved that in the past, BNP could not discipline its corrupt leaders and activists, could not bring them under the law. But Awami League has proved that even our ministers and MPs have been brought to justice. You must remember, a few days ago many of us were arrested and brought to trial in the casino case.

Advocate Qamrul Islam said that the policy of the Prime Minister and the government must accept this, 'our zero tolerance for corruption' policy. We are not exempting our leaders and workers from corruption in any way. The government is taking maximum measures against corruption.

Calling for strengthening the anti-corruption drive, former Planning Minister MA Mannan said, "We have many laws against corruption." But there is no visible implementation of the law. Corruption will not be tolerated. People reject corruption. Strict measures should be taken against corruption for the sake of sustainable development.

Member of Parliament Aroma Dutta said that the Prime Minister has been adopting a zero tolerance policy against corruption like an iron man. She is working according to the instructions of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. But some opportunists are tarnishing the image of the country through corruption. They should be brought under exemplary punishment. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu's declaration against corruption is still ringing in my ears, my farmer does not corrupt, my laborer does not. Educated society corrupts. She expressed hope that zero tolerance will be effective against corruption of Bangabandhu's daughter.

Independent Member of Parliament said the proposed budget positively. Hushamuddin Chowdhury said that keeping those who will implement the budget free from corruption is now a big challenge. NBR, ACC-like institutions cannot be progressed unless they are made trustworthy and transparent. If the ghost comes in the mustard, then how to chase away the ghost? He said, in the proposed budget, there is an opportunity to whiten black money. Surely there is a logical reason behind this. But we have to be careful not to encourage corruption through this.

Independent Member of Parliament Akhtaruzzaman said inflation should be reduced. The Finance Minister has planned for this. But the same model followed by the Finance Minister in the US has not been successful even in five years. He called the Finance Minister along with the concerned departments.


What is in BNP's program of Wednesday?

Special Correspondent,
Photo: BNP logo

Photo: BNP logo

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The BNP defeated in the legal battle for the release of Begum Khaleda Zia has announced the program of street agitation. It is said that they are going to give the program of protest march, protest rally.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party BNP will announce the new program on Wednesday (June 26). On this occasion, a joint meeting has been called at Nayapaltan BNP central office in the capital on Wednesday at 12 noon. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir did not open his mouth about the program despite announcing the choice of streets at a press conference on June 25. There is no shortage of people's interest to know what is in the program of BNP.

Adviser to BNP Chairperson Moazzem Hossain Alal told that BNP will not give programs that cause suffering to the public. Because we don't want to increase the suffering of those who are suffering more from Khaleda Zia's suffering than us. Our main concern will be that people do not suffer. In response to a question, he said that there may be programs like protests and demonstrations.

It is said that after talking to various levels of BNP leaders, BNP can hold a rally if they give a big program. And smaller programs may include human chains and symbolic hunger strikes in front of the National Press Club. There may be programs outside Dhaka at the district level as well. There are precedents for holding prayer programs in the past.

Those leaders said that BNP is not in a position to make big programs successful. Because there is no committee of BNP in the city, there is no committee of Jubo Dal. Through whom the program will succeed. BNP knows this very well.

Another BNP source said that Khaleda Zia has plans to use her time on temporary issues besides demanding medical treatment abroad. These may include the Prime Minister's visit to India, transit issues, border killings, increase in prices of essential commodities, release of imprisoned leaders and activists. And a point of resignation of the government may necessarily be attached.

BNP's highest policy-making forum standing committee meeting decided to choose treets. After that, the Secretary General was given the responsibility to discuss with the Acting Chairman. This will be BNP's fourth phase of street program after the 12th JS elections held on January 7.

Mirza Fakhrul said that Khaleda Zia has been suffering from various complicated diseases for a long time and doctors have recommended to send her abroad for better treatment. The party demanded that she be released and sent abroad so that the family has twice asked permission for her treatment abroad. But the illegitimate government deprived her of advanced medical treatment in order to kill her to perpetuate their power. I demand immediate unconditional release of Khaleda Zia.

Khaleda Zia went to jail on February 8, 2017 after being sentenced to five years imprisonment by a special court in Dhaka in the Zia Orphanage Trust corruption case. The following year on October 30, 2021, the High Court increased her sentence to 10 years after dismissing his appeal in the case. Earlier, another special court in Dhaka found the former prime minister guilty in the Zia Charitable Trust corruption case on October 29, 2018. She was then sentenced to seven years of rigorous imprisonment.

During the Corona pandemic, on March 25, 2020, the government released the BNP chief under Section 401 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC).

She is out on the executive orders of the head of government for humanitarian reasons. For the same reason, when asked whether there is any opportunity to send them abroad, the Law Minister told the media persons, "Whatever has to be done has to be done through the law." In the law by which she is out of jail, there is no opportunity (to go abroad).'

BNP called the first hartal on June 27, 2010, a year and a half after the Awami League government came to power in January 2009. After that, BNP held several strikes to protest the withdrawal of Khaleda Zia's case, the withdrawal of Tariq Zia's case and the eviction of Khaleda Zia from her house. On the other hand, in 2015, BNP announced the blockade program for an indefinite period. The program has been going on for a long time through burning. BNP, one of the political parties of Bangladesh, has not yet officially lifted the blockade. There is still a lot of humor and trolling about that program.


Corridor given to India in the name of transit: AB Party

Special Correspondent,, Dhaka
Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

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Corridors have been given to India in the name of transit. Amar Bangladesh  Party (AB Party) has claimed that India will be able to travel freely, there is no such agreement anywhere in the world.

Such a demand was made at a press conference at its own office in Bijaynagar of the capital on Monday (June 24).

Speakers said, India's behavior is not friendly, it is constantly oppressed. If weapons are transported by train, if there is any problem. There is no telling what will happen then. Not reporting this is also a big crime. 3 agreements renewed 7 agreements or MoUs signed. The nation needed to be informed, but the nation was kept in the dark. Article 145/A of the Constitution states that if an international agreement is made, Parliament must be notified. But the puppet MPs are not asking any questions.

Party convener AFM Solaiman Chowdhury said that the government is trying to stay in power forever. The illegitimate government must be overthrown at once.

Joint convener Advocate AB Tajul Islam said, a typed of deed has been brought to Delhi, it has been brought with a mortgage. It is the responsibility of political parties to make people aware. The Prime Minister said, India will always remember what you brought! Clarify every issue; otherwise a strong movement will be formed with the people.

He said, what format has been agreed on digital partnership. Why is privacy protected? That's why the doubt is increasing. Whether giving free access to India. India wants to make Bangladesh a subservient country. Sikkim, Assam was not a part of India at one time. Its needle has become loose and has come out. That's how they got their attention towards Bangladesh.

Barrister Sheikh Asaduzzaman Fuad said, I tried to find out about the Prime Minister's two-day visit, unfortunately not much was known. As far as I know it's awful and not helpful at all. Blue economy, cyber security and rail lines seem to be very sensitive. It did not protect the interests of Bangladesh. The betrayal government of 1/11, wanted trans-Asian connectivity. Now Bangladesh is in India. 850-1100 km transit corridors are being given.

He said that it is the responsibility of every generation to protect sovereignty, the time has come to decide whether they want to live in a Bangladesh state or a subservient state.

He warned India that the Awami League government does not mean Bangladesh. You can make many agreements but you cannot implement them excluding the people. There are many precedents of uprooting railway lines, setting fire to coaches in our country.

Colonel (retd.) Didarul Alam said that the constitution is being violated by not disclosing the agreement. Talpatti we lost, transit gave us no use, what if weapons enter. We have no chance to check. There are 54 transboundary rivers, each one dammed, no law they follow. The government is not protesting.

Major (Retd.) Abdul Wahab Minar said, historically none of the agreements signed with India have gone in favor of Bangladesh. It is futile to hope that it will go for Bangladesh this time. Nothing can be asked for from this government. So you have to fight and get it.

Referring to the statement of Bangladesh Police Association, he said that they stood up to protect the evil deeds of police. TIB said they cannot make this statement. It is a blatant interference in journalism. 


Many cannot see the development of Sheikh Hasina: Quader

Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka
Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

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Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said that domestic and foreign conspiracies are going on against the government, many people cannot see the development of Sheikh Hasina.

He said this while addressing the platinum jubilee rally of Awami League's 75th founding anniversary at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital on Sunday (June 23).

The Bridges Minister said that many people cannot see the development of Sheikh Hasina. Today a party is burning with passion. They (BNP) see the darkness of the night in the light of day. They see the darkness of the new moon in the light of the full moon. They don't see progress.

Pointing to BNP, he further said, they are the enemy of our freedom and liberation war. They ruled our country for twenty one years. Victory sent Bengal into exile. We must unite against those masterminds of August 15 and August 21.

Obaidul Quader said, the greatest achievement of this country is liberation. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the Father of this achievement. Two legacies have been created in this country, one is Bangabandhu for freedom. Another legacy of our economic liberation is Sheikh Hasina.

Awami League General Secretary said that as long as the sun and moon rise in this Bengal, birds sing and the river flows, Sheikh Hasina will remain immortal. She is the poet of politicians.

He said, standing on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the Awami League, I call upon all those who believe in the freedom of Bangladesh, the ideals of the liberation war, hold the spirit, political leaders, the strength of the liberation war, I will not say that we have no mistakes. Still, Sheikh Hasina is our only address of trust. Let's make Bangabandhu's daughter strong.
