BNP has formed 6 committees to prepare state reform proposals

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Photo: Barta24

Photo: Barta24

BNP has set up six powerful committees to prepare a full-fledged reform proposal to repair the state. These six committees have been formed to prepare proposals for reforming the constitution, election commission system, police, public administration, judiciary and anti-corruption commission.

On Wednesday (October 16), BNP officially sent letters to the conveners and members of the remaining 5 committees except those responsible for reforming the Anti-Corruption Commission.


BNP central office sources confirmed this information.

According to sources, the constitution reform committee has been convened by the member of the standing committee Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain. 6 members have been kept in this committee. Members of the Standing Committee called for the reform of the Election Commission system with Abdul Moin Khan as the convener. 4 people have been kept as members. Standing committee member Major (retd) Hafizuddin Ahmad has been convened by the Police Reforms Committee, 4 people have been kept as members. Standing committee member Salahuddin Ahmed has been summoned to the Public Administration Reform Committee. 2 people have been made members. Standing committee member Barrister Zamiruddin Sarkar has been convened by the Judiciary Reform Committee. 6 people have been kept as members. All of them were formally sent letters on Wednesday.

A committee has also been formed to reform the Anti-Corruption Commission. A letter will also be given to them.

According to sources, the committees will start their activities in a day or two. After the completion of the committee's activities, they will be combined to prepare a comprehensive reform proposal of the party. It will then be made public as well as presented to six reform commissions of the government, including the head of the interim government.