Summer vacations curtailed in educational institutions, weekends are Fri-Sat days

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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

This summer vacation has been reduced in all types of educational institutions of Secondary and Higher Secondary level of the country. Educational institutions were scheduled to open on July 2, but now according to the new decision, educational institutions will open on Wednesday (June 26). But Saturday will also be a weekend.

This decision was taken in a meeting held under the chairmanship of Education Minister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury on Thursday (June 20).


The argument of the Ministry of Education as the reason for reducing the vacation is that there is a shortage in the new curriculum this year. Due to winter and extreme heat, educational institutions were closed for 15 days. Summer vacations will be cut short to cover that loss. In that case the winter vacation may increase a bit.

In addition, due to the resumption of Saturday closure, working days will be reduced. So the summer vacation is shortened.

According to the syllabus, this year the Eid-ul-Azha and summer vacation started on June 13, which was supposed to last till July 2.