Dog squads to be deployed to prevent drug entry in prisons: IG of Prisons

  • Al-Amin Raju, Staff Correspondent,
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Dhaka: The anti-discrimination student movement has brought down the regime of the Sheikh Hasina government. Due to the long rule by using the law and order forces, irregularities and corruption were entrenched at all levels of the country. Jail was one of the tools used by the Hasina government to suppress the opposition. Corruption and irregularities reigned in the ranks of prisons with political indulgence. As a result, the prisoners would get drugs and mobile phones while sitting in the jail if they paid money. In this, various criminals, including top terrorists, used to control the criminal empire while sitting in prison. Prison guards and prison officers were one of their collaborators in these works. But that picture is starting to change. After the fall of the Awami government on August 5, there was a shock of change in prisons across the country. However, several prison inmates escaped due to the inmates' revolt. Prison guards were injured in the attack. There have been changes in various positions including the head of prison guard.


On August 11, Brigadier General Syed Md. Motaher Hossain was appointed as the Inspector General (IG Prisons) of the Department of Prisons. He started the work of new day prison and prisoner management with responsibility. In a private talk with on September 26, he revealed his plans for the prison. Staff Correspondent Al-Amin Raju heard about Inspector General. Here are the details for the readers. How much damage was done to prisons in the August 5 coup? How will the jail authorities get out of this?

Bri Gen Motaher: What happened in the jail on August 5 has never happened in the history of Bangladesh or even in the history of British India. It was an unexpected event. The wave of student uprisings outside the prisons also reached the prisons. As a result, five prisons in the country have been badly damaged. Besides, 17 other prisons have been partially damaged. However, after the 5th, all the inmates of the country's two prisons and a few inmates of other prisons escaped. Apart from this, there are 68 prisons in the country out of which no inmate could escape from 63 prisons. Some damage is done. Chaos has occurred. But the prisoner could not escape. In this case, the authorities have handled the situation very efficiently. They deserve praise. Also we thank the Army for helping us maintain order.

However, if we talk about the damage, our two prisons have suffered more which we haven't fully launched yet. I was able to handle the rest. Besides, we have brought several changes in the management of prisoners and prison guards. Currently we are in no danger. Did you get intelligence in advance of the prison uprising due to the anti-discrimination movement?

Br. J. Motaher: We were shocked by the riots in Narsingdi jail on July 17. Jail Department was not prepared for such an incident though I joined later. But I am saying this according to the experience of the officer in charge at that time. A number of precautionary measures were then taken. But we could not save it. On August 5th, we did not get the help of law enforcement. The police were not in the field. The army was also on emergency duty in various places. As a result, there have been casualties in various prisons. In the face of the movement, everything was not under control. Due to which such an incident happened. But due to caution, all but a few prisons were secured. After the fall of the government on August 5, chaos broke out among the prisoners. They attacked the prison officials. Who are the number of casualties?

Br. J. Motaher: 282 persons of various ranks among prison guards and officials were injured in the August 5 prison riots and attacks by inmates. However, no deaths occurred. Several serious injuries occurred. All recovered and returned to work. However, the houses of prison guards and officials have been burnt inside several prisons. Many have been personally affected. We will also support them. The slogan of the prison is - Keep safe, show the way of light. Petty criminals are turning out to be violent criminals in prisons built with such slogans in front of them. Is the surveillance and security system inside the prison questionable?

Br. J. Motaher: In fact, our prisons are short of space for prisoners. Our new jails have all the facilities to keep petty criminals, big criminals, and sentenced convicts apart, but due to space constraints in the old jails, that function is hampered. Although we try our best but due to limitations we cannot do it many times. Another thing is that we have to keep extra prisoners most of the time. Although it is low at present, it becomes very high at various times. But it is precisely because of our behavior that it is having such an effect. We have already identified this problem. We are trying to avoid mixing petty criminals with dangerous criminals who have committed major crimes. However, it cannot be implemented in all places. Many prison officials are accused of not implementing the instructions of their superiors due to being under the shadow of political umbrella. At present, have you found any kind of weakness in the management of the prisoners?

Br. J. Motaher: I can't talk about the past. But currently I am working independently inside and outside. The ministry is supporting me. I am working on their motivation without pressure. Emphasis on humane and safe treatment of detainees and the prisoners are being given what they deserve according to their merit. He is talking about the complaint of non-implementation of instructions at the field level. Currently I am not getting these things. But before it rusted. It is not possible to clear the coldness that existed for a long time and the allegations of involvement in illegal activities in one day. But we are trying step by step. Punishment for not listening with motivation. Our campaign is ongoing. Those who are professionally competent, interested in work, and enterprising are being posted in the right positions which happened to be difficult for IG Prisons in the past. Currently I am transferable with professional skills. Hopefully the results will be available soon. There are cases of drug supply and drug consumption in prisons. Where prison guards themselves are involved. What measures will you take to stop drug supply?

Br. J. Motaher: You know a large number of prison inmates are accused of drug related cases. Many of them are drug addicts. They are being identified through our health department with the help of a UN agency. Besides, the prisoners are being treated in various ways to get rid of drugs. Those who are being identified as drug addicts are being brought under this treatment. But I agree with drug entry that we still haven't stopped drug entry. But we are aware of it. We have tightened the search. Drugs were recently found during a search by prison guards. They will already be dismissed from their jobs and given to the police. Action is taken against anyone suspected of drug involvement or conduct. We have a zero tolerance policy in this regard. This is due to past habits. So we are planning to deploy dog squads at Jailgate along with Police, RAB and Army along with strict searches to stop drug supply in prisons. We hope that we will be implemented if we get the cooperation of the relevant ministry.

Apart from this, arrangements are being made for dope tests of prisoners and guards. If there is any evidence of drug consumption inside the prison, then they will be brought under the law. We attach great importance to the fact that no one will be exempted. Using personal phones of inmates in prisons and controlling criminal empires and extortion from prisons. Apart from this, in the name of providing various facilities to the prisoners, the prison guards are collecting money from relatives using mobile banking through mobile banking. Are you aware of this? If so, what kind of measures to take?

Br. J. Motaher: We are looking into this matter. We are alert. There have already been raids inside the prison which are ongoing. In the past, someone could carry a mobile phone inside and still not be out of touch. We have recovered many phones. Those involved have been brought under punishment because it is important for us. I am not denying, phone use in prisons is not possible without the help of our prison guards. That is why we are working to bring the whole thing under an automatic system. In no time the whole thing will come to automation. Depositing money and making phone calls to prisoners will also be covered. That is, the prison cash will be freed. We are developing software based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) under integrated services. Through this I hope financial irregularities will stop. Besides, if for some reason it escapes into the prison, we are working to rescue it. Frequency Sars is running in prisons, it will continue. We are working on removing all mines via block raid. There have been many misdeeds in the past which are slowly improving. Besides, if we cannot recover someone's mobile then measures are being taken so that he cannot use it. Common inmates are being deprived of treatment due to hospital beds in exchange for money in prisons. Apart from this, due to the lack of doctors and nurses in the prison, proper medical care is not available. Even many important patients are receiving nominal services. Who will do the development of the hospital?

Br. J. Motaher: We have carried out an eviction drive against the allegations of prisons being held in exchange for money. No such person can be found now. No one is admitted to the hospital except for the sick. Admittedly, there is a shortage of doctors and nurses. This is why there is a shortage of medical services in our prisons. Our doctors used to come from the health department. We are not getting enough doctors from here. To overcome this, the Ministry of Home Affairs has taken the initiative of appointing doctors directly. The work is ongoing. If direct recruitment can be done then we can overcome either. However, the government is not able to recruit qualified people. We can overcome this problem if we get the required manpower. And we provide medicine. But there is a big financial issue as a result of us having to house the extra prisoners. But we are trying to provide medical services as per demand. An initiative to skill the inmates in prisons and a project to convert an abandoned prison into a museum in Old Dhaka was underway. How far is this progress?

Br. J. Motaher: Actually, we are working to make the prison a correctional center rather than a prison. There are various initiatives regarding this. As part of the move, various trainings have been arranged for inmates to acquire skills. This step is ongoing. But in many prisons it cannot be implemented due to lack of space. However, starting from computer training in Keraniganj prison training is being given to acquire various skills. Training is given in making various products including garments, shoes and bakery. Apart from receiving training, they also have an opportunity to earn. Prisoners get a share of the proceeds when the products they make are sold. We want inmates to get training like outsiders. And the work of developing the old prison as a museum and park under the project of preservation of history and heritage of old Dhaka is going on. Apart from the museum, there will be various facilities for the residents of Old Dhaka. It is under challenge in the current context. But I hope the government will help to finish the work. Thanks for giving us time in your busy schedule.

Br. J. Motaher: Thanks to too.