If measures are taken to stop corruption, Sheikh Hasina will surpass Mahathir

Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Calling for urgent action against bank looting, money laundering and corruption, Awami League Presidium Member Advocate Qamrul Islam said that if action can be taken against these miscreants, Sheikh Hasina will surpass Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammad.

He made this comment during the general debate in the budget session for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the JS on Thursday (June 27).

In the session presided over by Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, this member of parliament from the government party raised a question and said, if there was no corruption, why are the officers like Benazir and Goat scandal afraid of the law. Why run away from the country? Exemplary punishment must be meted out against them.

Awami League leader Qamrul Islam commented that the recent corruption news is part of the conspiracy. He said, I believe that all the incidents that are happening recently are part of the conspiracy. All of a sudden there is some propaganda against some corrupt, ex-officials as part of national and international conspiracies.

Referring to former IGP of Police Benazir Ahmed and NBR officer Matiur Rahman, Qamrul Islam said that although all these corruptions are suddenly emerging through national and international conspiracies. Even then, it must be acknowledged that those who are accused today, why are they afraid of the law? Fearing the law, why go abroad? Today, Mr. Benazir, why are the officers of the goat case afraid of the law? They seem to be corrupt because they fear the law. The allegations against them are true. It is part of the conspiracy. But still they appear to be true in their roles.

Former minister Qamrul Islam said, our Prime Minister is in state power for the fourth consecutive term. I believe she will surpass even Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammad. If action can be taken against corruption, tax evaders and miscreants I believe Awami League will come to power again, the current Prime Minister will be able to form the government again.

He said, now is the time to take action against them. As politicians, we are ashamed to see all these people as bank robbers or those doing such things.

MP Qamrul Islam said, I want to say once again that our Prime Minister is one of the most honest statesmen in the world. In our country, bank robbers, money launderers and all these corrupt people cannot smear us with chalk. They must be prosecuted on an urgent basis, just as they were prosecuted in the casino case.

This leader of Awami League said that today when our Prime Minister has established herself as one of the honest people. Her name is included in the list of 10 honest people of the world. There is no tolerance for those who commit corruption. Bangladesh Awami League has proved that in the past, BNP could not discipline its corrupt leaders and activists, could not bring them under the law. But Awami League has proved that even our ministers and MPs have been brought to justice. You must remember, a few days ago many of us were arrested and brought to trial in the casino case.

Advocate Qamrul Islam said that the policy of the Prime Minister and the government must accept this, 'our zero tolerance for corruption' policy. We are not exempting our leaders and workers from corruption in any way. The government is taking maximum measures against corruption.

Calling for strengthening the anti-corruption drive, former Planning Minister MA Mannan said, "We have many laws against corruption." But there is no visible implementation of the law. Corruption will not be tolerated. People reject corruption. Strict measures should be taken against corruption for the sake of sustainable development.

Member of Parliament Aroma Dutta said that the Prime Minister has been adopting a zero tolerance policy against corruption like an iron man. She is working according to the instructions of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. But some opportunists are tarnishing the image of the country through corruption. They should be brought under exemplary punishment. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu's declaration against corruption is still ringing in my ears, my farmer does not corrupt, my laborer does not. Educated society corrupts. She expressed hope that zero tolerance will be effective against corruption of Bangabandhu's daughter.

Independent Member of Parliament said the proposed budget positively. Hushamuddin Chowdhury said that keeping those who will implement the budget free from corruption is now a big challenge. NBR, ACC-like institutions cannot be progressed unless they are made trustworthy and transparent. If the ghost comes in the mustard, then how to chase away the ghost? He said, in the proposed budget, there is an opportunity to whiten black money. Surely there is a logical reason behind this. But we have to be careful not to encourage corruption through this.

Independent Member of Parliament Akhtaruzzaman said inflation should be reduced. The Finance Minister has planned for this. But the same model followed by the Finance Minister in the US has not been successful even in five years. He called the Finance Minister along with the concerned departments.

Quota system is hindering creation of discrimination free society: GM Quader

Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
Quota system is hindering creation of discrimination free society: GM Quader

Quota system is hindering creation of discrimination free society: GM Quader

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Opposition Leader of Jatiya Sangsad and Jatiya Party Chairman Gholam Mohammad Quader commented that the creation of a discrimination-free society is being hindered by the quota system in the job in the name of the spirit of liberation war. He said that the quota of a large number of jobs for the generation after the liberation war has been fixed forever. I believe that it hinders the formation of a justice-based society without discrimination, which is the main objective of freedom.

He said these things in the closing speech of the first budget session of the 12th JS on Wednesday (July 3). Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury presided over the session.

GM Quader said that we should not forget that the people of this country are ready to accept any sacrifice and go to any stage to win the struggle against discrimination. Our main achievement in the freedom struggle is the constitution; it talks about equality of opportunity. Our Shaheed Minar is a symbol of sacrifice in the struggle for freedom from discrimination. Our national memorial is a symbol of our commitment to build a just and fair country.

On the quota system, the opposition leader said that till 2018, there would be 56 percent  of recruitment in first class, second class, third class and fourth class in government jobs. Out of this, a 30 per cent quota is reserved for freedom fighters, 10 per cent for women, 10 per cent for residents of backward districts, 5 per cent for people belonging to minority castes and one per cent for disabled people. The remaining 44 percent were recruited on merit. In 2018, the demand of the students was to cancel the quota of freedom fighters only from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th class in government jobs. In the wake of the movement, the Ministry of Public Administration issued a circular canceling all the quota system in the recruitment of 1st and 2nd class. But in class III and IV, quota system remains as before.

Opposition leader GM Quader said that in 2021, the children of some freedom fighters filed a petition in the High Court challenging the part of the freedom fighter quota cancellation in the circular. The court announced the judgment of the writ on June 5. There, the cancellation of the section reserved for freedom fighters by the public administration was declared illegal. As a result, under the banner of anti-discrimination student movement, job aspirants and ordinary students are again coming to the field to demand the reinstatement of the circular issued by the government which is creating a new crisis.

Criticizing the effort to evict the Mironzillah Harijan sweeper colony in Ward No. 33 of Old Dhaka, GM Quader said that some houses were demolished by the Dhaka South City Corporation to evict the Harijans. Children lay on the streets while other houses were demolished. They were then threatened to demolish more houses later. Those working in the city corporation will be sacked.

He said, the purpose of this eviction is to build a market there. Eviction without resettlement of these families living since the British period is very inhumane. Evicting the neglected, helpless, untouchable families from their homesteads for the purpose of building a market at this moment will tarnish the image of not only the government but the nation. He requested the intervention of the Prime Minister to stop their eviction without rehabilitation and to improve their living standards.

Highlighting the information of the 2023 report of the United States' Report on International Religious Freedom, the JP chairman said that torture and harassment of minorities has not stopped yet. The report expressed concern over the use of digital security laws to oppress religious minorities in Bangladesh. Harassment is being used against members of the minority community for allegedly hurting the religious sentiments of the Muslim community. He urged the government to take necessary steps to stop torture and harassment. 


Government tried to befool people: Mirza Fakrul

Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
photo: Collected

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BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said that the government has lied about various agreements with India including the railway corridor. They have always resorted to deception. Through this they tried to befool the people.

He made this comment in response to the questions of journalists after paying respects at the grave of late President Ziaur Rahman in Sher-e-bangla Nagar on Monday (July 1) afternoon.

The BNP Secretary General said that if India will use the railway line on the country's soil, there will be no interest in Bangladesh. This government has given India a share in all air-land-sea routes of the country. No objection, we don't mind the connectivity. What Bangladesh got is the main thing. We have not got anything here because of this compromise or corridor.

On Monday afternoon, a group of lawyers led by the newly appointed president of the Nationalist Lawyers Forum Zainal Abedin laid wreaths at the late leader's grave.

Mirza Fakhrul said, Bangladesh will become dependent on India in a short period of time. It has been proven. I did not get a fair share of the water of the common rivers of Bangladesh; I did not get the Teesta river water. Border killings are not stopping; no transparent measures have been taken to address the trade deficit.

At that time, Nationalist Lawyers Forum Vice- President Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokon, General Secretary Qaiser Kamal, Masud Ahmed Talukder, Badruddoza Badal, Ruhul Quddus Kajal, Khorshed Alam, Iqbal Hossain, Gazi Kamrul Islam Sajal, Sagir Hossain Leon and others were present.


BNP is passing sleepless time: Quader

Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
photo: Barta24

photo: Barta24

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Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader commented that there is no sleep in BNP's eyes, sleep has become bad dreams.

He said this at a discussion meeting organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Awami League in front of the Awami League office in Tejgaon Dhaka District on Monday (July 1) at noon. The discussion meeting was organized by Dhaka Metropolitan North Awami League.

He said, BNP has no sleep, sleep has become forbidden. Fire of unrest in Fakhrul's eyes. Farman comes from London. In or out.

Obaidul Quader said, when will they wage a movement against the Awami League? They do not believe in themselves. No one likes anyone, says the government agent. Each other is called an agent of the government. Their movement is fake.

Dhaka Metropolitan North Awami League President Sheikh Bazlur Rahman presided over the meeting and General Secretary SA Mannan Kochi conducted the meeting.


Rally started at Nayapaltan demanding Khaleda's release

Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

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The rally started demanding the unconditional release of BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, who is undergoing treatment in the hospital.

The rally started in front of the party's central office in Nayapaltan around 3:30 pm on Saturday (June 29). The party's secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will speak as the chief guest at the event under the chairmanship of BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas.

Meanwhile, after 12 o'clock, ignoring the drizzle, the leaders and workers of BNP and other party organizations began to gather at the rally venue in a piecemeal procession. As time progressed, Nayapaltan became active with the movement of activists. A stream of activists has already descended on Nayapaltan.

It has been seen that the BNP leaders and activists came to the rally place with a procession from the surrounding areas of Nayapaltan. Leaders and activists are chanting slogans with national and party flags, banners, festoons and placards from different units of Dhaka. Leaders and activists have also come from the surrounding districts of Dhaka. They participated in the rally wearing different colored caps. The entire Nayapaltan area has become buzzing with the procession and slogans of the activists.

Heavy presence of police was observed in Nayapaltan area around the rally. They are on alert to face any situation. 
