"Free, impartial and participatory elections will be the basis of state repair"

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com,Dhaka
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photo: Collected

BNP Acting Chairman Tariq Rahman said that he is committed to restore democracy in Bangladesh unitedly and said that free, impartial and participatory elections will be the basis of state repair; Independence of judiciary and media and institutional implementation of all principles of democracy.

Tariq Rahman made these comments in a speech given on Saturday (September 14) on the occasion of September 15 International Democracy Day.


Tariq Rahman said, since 2007,  every year on September 15, a special day of UN member countries is 'International Democracy Day' to create interest in understanding democracy and its inherent power. I express deep respect for those who gave their lives to establish democracy. Seeking forgiveness for the departed souls of the martyrs who sacrificed themselves and condoling with the injured.

He said the timeless philosophy of martyred President Ziaur Rahman was at the core of Bangladeshi nationalism multi-party democracy - based on equality, human dignity, freedom of individual and speech and social justice. This thought and philosophy was pioneered by the Deshnetri Begum Khaleda Zia in the uninterrupted course of uncompromising struggle. The brutal dictators have tried to destroy the multi-dimensional democracy by repeatedly attacking the democratic Bangladesh founded on the will of the people. Against the backdrop of the continuous struggle of Deshnetri Begum Khaleda Zia for a decade and a half, the worst dictatorship in history fell on August 5 in the world-shaking mass uprising of students last July.


He also said that the main theme of this year's International Democracy Day is: 'Navigating AI for Governance and Citizen Engagement', i.e. using artificial intelligence for good governance and citizen participation. This theme is very timely. Advances in technology must be harnessed to ensure the rule of law.

Acting Chairman of BNP said that in the last 16-17 years crores of voters were not given the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. In the fake votes national and local government elections were conducted with fake voters.

Crores of voters in the country could not participate in meaningful elections. Several generations of the country have grown up in a fearful and authoritarian environment without the practice and application of democratic rights, he said.

He said the freedom and creativity as well as human and mental development were restricted by misrule and had to live in constant obstacles. The bright and promising future of the youth has been thwarted. We still have a long way to go to build a strong and robust democracy because there is still weakness of democracy in most countries of the world.

Tariq Rahman said, personally I and my party believe that there is no alternative to promoting and upholding the principles of democracy. Because democracy has a universal value, which recognizes people's free expression and unhindered expression of ideas. We are determined to build such a safe, progressive and democratic Bangladesh, which will contribute to global democratic development beyond national boundaries.

He said, and therefore we are committed to the goal of re-establishing democracy in Bangladesh unitedly. Free, impartial and participatory elections will be the foundation of our state repair; Independence of judiciary and media and institutional implementation of all principles of democracy. InshAllah we will build a Bangladesh that ensures future generations’ prosperity and self-reliance, inclusive and liberal political environment and social status and justice.