The month of glorious victory has come

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The month of glorious victory has come

The month of glorious victory has come

The month of victory achieved through the Great War of Liberation began in December. The month of the victory of freedom won at the cost of 30 lakh martyrs and desecration 20 lakh mothers and sisters will be celebrated through various events.

The greatest event in the history of Bangladesh is the liberation war of 1971. In a historic cycle of armed freedom struggle led by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the dream of social, political and economic liberation of the Bengali nation for thousands of years was fulfilled in this month.


The unforgettable and glorious final victory of the Liberation War came on December 16. Bengalis recognized themselves in the world as an independent nation. Gaining its own territory and its own national flag with a red sun on a green chest. Nationalism built on the basis of language, after a bloody war, declared independence was fulfilled on this day.

December is also a month of mourning for Bengali nation as this achievement is in exchange for the sacrifice of many fresh lives and the honor of mothers and sisters in addition to the fulfillment of a thousand year dream of Bengalis.

In this month, the anti-independence forces, with the help of their countrymen, Razakar-Albadr Al-Shams, were involved in a brutal massacre of the country's talented, best children and intellectuals. There is no other precedent in the world for such a despicable massacre of the entire nation.

From the beginning of December 1971, the news of the defeat of the barbaric Pakistani invading forces in the face of the guerilla attack of the freedom fighters and the combined forces consisting of the Indian allied forces on water, land and air began to emerge from all directions. On December 16, Pakistani forces were forced to surrender at Dhaka's historic Race Course Maidan (now Suhrawardy Udyan). From where the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independence on March 7 called for independence saying 'this time's struggle is our liberation struggle, this time's struggle is the struggle of freedom', Pakistani General Niazi signed the document of defeat there. The final victory of the 9-month bloody war of liberation was achieved. And the nation achieves the freedom of a thousand years of dreams.

Bangabandhu formally declared independence before he was arrested by the Pakistani forces on the night of March 25, 1971, and at his call, the Bengali nation unitedly jumped into the liberation war. The final victory of the nation was achieved on December 16 in a long 9-month armed people's war.

In addition to national programs, various political, social, cultural and professional organizations have taken up detailed programs to celebrate the month of great victory.